Week 3 Recap

So, here we are. The start of week #4, well almost. It is still my "rest" day. I have to admit, I'm feeling pretty darn good for my day off. I feel rested. My muscles are a little tired, but no soreness. I'm actually looking forward to my next week starting. This week was a big running week for me, but next week I back it down a little on the run & build on my cycling. The following week is a build week for swimming. That won't be difficult, because with my shoulder feeling much better, the increase in swimming mileage as never been an issue.

Last night we had a "girls night dinner." It was Sara (also training for IM CDA), Stacey (she's doing the Ragnar Relay with us), Natalie (Ragnar Relay & long run buddy) & me! We met at this fantastic family Italian place, Giuseppe's. It's a small little place with an intimate setting. Best part - you can bring your own wine, and there is NO cork fee! So, Sara brought a fabulous bottle of Pinot Noir that she brought back from her recent trip to Wine Country, Sonoma. Unfortunately, I do not have the details of the exact bottle, but it was from the Seghesio Family Vinyards. It melted in your mouth. It was silky-smooth, buttery & everything you want in a Pinot Noir. I can't find the Pinot on their website, so I'll have to get the details from Sara. If you haven't tried their Zinfandel, it is fantastic as well.

Ok, enough about the wine (although I could go on about this subject FOREVER!). It was a great night - great company, food & wine. And, sweet Natalie came to the dinner with the cutest little gifts all wrapped up for us. Just a little gesture to wish us well in our training. They were Nike running socks (that she LOVES, can't wait to try them) and some Nike hair ties. The best part, she wrapped mine in RED. Nat knows I don't "do pink." She's so funny. She even dresses baby Kate in red when she comes running with us.

I guess I'm kind of backtracking a little. Yesterday started out with a 3:00 ride. It was just 3 of us this week, due to other obligations. So, Sara, Melisa & I headed on a very hilly 3 hour route.

Sara & I did just over 3hrs (3:05) - melisa had a little further to go to get home
AVG HR 144 (I'm very happy with this. My avgs have been like 130-135, I think too much messing around)

I think we did VERY well, especially for an all girl day and SO many hills!

You would think I'd be loving my rest day. To tell you the truth I'm bored. I feel so much better than I did last week. (I'm hoping my effort to increase my protein intake has something to do with it) 'S' has been out of town this weekend, so I think that is also why I'm bored. I'm like an ADD child. I can't sit still... constantly need to be moving around! Usually on the weekends we have "stuff" to do, so I guess I'm just not used to having extra time like this. THANK GOD for the internet!

Well, that's really all for now. Here's what this week (#4) looks like:
Run 60mins (moderate, low zone 2)
Swim 2500meters (Long, Zone 2)
Bike 2:00 (moderate)
Weight training
Run 45min (Tempo, high zone 2)
Swim 2000meters (Tempo)
Bike 1:15 (Tempo)
Weight Training
Run Long 1:30mins
Swim 2000meters (moderate)
Bike(brick) 3:30/:30run


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