Happy Birthday to me.....

NO I'm not 30 QUITE yet..... BUT, I already got my first birthday present....:-)

You all know I love me some RED. Kinda like SHE loves her some Pink. Except, I don't have to wear it every day. My bike isn't red (although it would be so cool if it were).

I do however have:

a red wall kitchen
red (black & white) dishes
a new red phone
sassy red shoes
a red wallet

but... the one thing I've been waiting for.... a NEW RED HANDBAG!

I've been checking this site obsessively for a new season of RED to come out.

And wouldn't you know.. the new season is here, and it was FULL OF RED. And, not the flashy fire red, but the pretty dark deep red that I love....

And then.. wouldn't you know it... a couple days after said find, I get a preferred customer coupon in the mail for 25% off....

If only the timing weren't so bad. If only I still wasn't making up for my IM expenses. If only it were MY birthday this month not his.

After about a week of obsessing, I finally decided I would buy myself a bag for an early birthday present. My grandfather and parents usually give me some cash so I decided I would just have to pay myself and my credit card back. Because, if I didn't go buy it... I would obsess even more... and regret saving the 25%, and then it might not even still be there when I could afford it...

So, as I'm telling my wonderful husband about this (I think I was looking for some validation that it was ok), he replies with "You know, you make it really hard to buy you a birthday gift!!!"

"what, really... you were gonna buy this for me? But, but... the 25% off is only for a week. If I don't buy it then the bag will cost llike $100 more!!"

Apparently he had it all planned out to steal the coupon from the recycle after I tossed it....

So, last Friday I got to go pick out my very own, brand new RED bag!

Now, my official birthday isn't until December 24th... but I have to admit it was pretty cool to get a gift a few months early! In fact, I thought it was SO cool, I decided we should do this EVERY year... You know, separate it out from Christmas. How smart am I?

Unfortunately, when I picked out my new bag, the display was the only one left, so they ordered it for me & guess what just arrived?!?!

How pretty is she?


momo said…
O.M.G... that purse is so you! too cute. you're gonna have to wear it with your sassy red shoes next time we go out for RED wine. :-)

happy (early) birthday to you!!
Carrie said…
Happy Early Birthday!

How pretty is she?

How silly are you?

:) Just kiddin'- I agree with moving your Christmas birthday. Spread the love.
J~Mom said…
Love the new purse! Happy Birthday!
Erin said…
OMG, I'm in love with your bag. As a handbag connoisseur (i.e. whore) myself, I officially have bag envy. Pretty does not begin to cover it. Go you and your early birthday!
Benson said…
Happy early birthday...wait a minute, this looks like a girls only site for girly-girl things. sorry, see ya.
Di said…
I am so "J" I too have a thing for RED. LOVE IT!!!! Red sofa, red drapes, red walls , red bedding Swear. It's all spread out in different rooms to avoid the feeling of a bordello. lol
I just bought a RED handbag too. Mine, is not nearly as lovely and SWEET as your new Birthday Bag. I really am "J". I am not just being nice, Happy Early B-Day darling!!
Paul said…
Nice bag! Shane should be used to it already. ;) What he needed to do was distract you and steal the coupon ahead of time. Enjoy (and happy early bday)
Andra Sue said…
Ooooooooh, nice! Now you need a couple new pairs of shoesies to go with that, right? :)

p.s. have you seen the one on Runner Susan's blog? If not, you gotta check it OUT. It's red bag season, apparently.
Bigun said…
yea, yea, nice red bag. Looks like it holds lots of stuff. How many gels can it hold? Can you put a water bottle in there too? that would be the most stylish T1 bag there ever was.
Anonymous said…
I just figured it out! Your birthday is Christmas Eve and you love RED...Red-Christmas...I think that is NOT a coincidence!!
Anonymous said…
we have a red living room... you can't carry it with you, but it's nice to come home to.

happy early, early, EARLY birthday.
Anonymous said…
Nice bag.

My daugthers birthday is on Dec 17th. As one of her birthday/Christmas gifts, I always give her a quarterly allowance to buy clothes. I think it might be her favorite gift each year.

Di said…
I thought about you on Thursday - when I opened my red shoes up! lol
BTW - did I ever tell you, the only requirement I had when I bought my bike - it had to be Red. swear, so, we looked at several red ones until I found one that fit.

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