Week 2: 10 for 10, 1 more to go

It's week 2 & I'm very proud to say that I have made 10/10 workouts, with one more to go. Tomorrow is my long bike ride - 2:30mins. Our group is heading up into "Fountain Hills" to get some practice using those quads! Right now my quads are saying that is a BAD idea, however, I know that I will be proud once we are finished! AND, the best part - I am treating myself to a 90min deep tissue massage on Sunday. Now how's THAT for a day of rest?

Actually, it's not quite as pleasant as it sounds. 'S' & I found this place a couple years ago, and have been going ever since. See, I'm picky when it comes to my massages. After being in physical therapy for 3, yes THREE years with my IT Band issues I became fortunate enough to know what my body needed. I had the most fantastic PT assistant/trainer who also did massage. She new my body, what needed worked on,what was broken, etc. I trusted her, and was afraid to let anyone else work on my frail (at that time) body. Then, life happened. She met a boy, moved to New York & left me & my sore muscles behind. Ok, so that's probably not exactly what went on in her mind, but non the less, I needed to find a replacement for "my Danielle." As luck would have it I did come across a fabulous therapist at The Massage Studio on Frank Lloyd Wright, named Kyla. She is this tiny little thing with hands stronger than you can imagine. She uses a lot of similar "PT techniques," as I call them. So, as I mentioned above, it's not always fun & games when I get my massages. Sometimes, it HURTS. But, of course a day later when all the kinks & knots are worked out, I am happy to have put myself through the torture! So this my friends, is what I'm looking forward to this Sunday. One more workout to go & I'm there!

Today I met my good friend Natalie & Baby Kate for my 90min run. I left my kids behind, as Abby's limit is about 7 miles right now, and she'd be crushed if I brought Baxter & not her. So, I did my little routine of being "sneaky" getting out of the house, (like they didn't know I was "cheating" on them) & headed to the park to meet my running partners for the day. I decided to write a little about Natalie today, because every time I see her or talk to her, she reminds me how lucky I am to have a friend like her. I met her, gosh - like 5 years ago maybe? My sister & she were working together at the time, and wanted us to meet. We both were running marathons. So, one night the 3 of us met at Oreganos, for dinner. Natalie & I have been friends ever since. We've gone on countless runs together, swum a couple of masters workouts together, dinner dates, even gone on a long weekend in Rocky Point. She's one of those people that somehow always makes you feel better when you talk to her. Always has something uplifting & positive to say. Recently, her life has changed quite a bit. A little over a year ago she had baby Kate. The best part - she is still the same Natalie. Still wants to get together, still wants to run (she just has to work a little harder now pushing the baby) & still wants to be a part of every one's lives. We all know that when your friends first start having babies, you've got a 50/50 chance your relationship might not be the same. It sucks, but it is true. People's lives change, at no fault to anyone, but as their lives change so do a lot of their relationships. I'm happy to say things are the same with Natalie. She's still an awesome friend, running partner - oh & I almost forgot she's "Aunt Natalie" to my kids. They even get fun Christmas Presents from her every year, and if I bring them to her house, Baxter knows within a mile where we are going!

So, to end this little note. I just want to say how fortunate I am to have such amazing people in my life. I decided to spotlight Natalie today, because she was there on my awesome 90min long run today! So, thanks to ALL my wonderful friends, you are all very special!

P.S. Natalie, if you read this - if you send me an updated pic of you & Kate, I want to post it!


i am Susan said…
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your friend Natalie sounds like a wonderful person. I know I have become one of those people that has changed when the kids came along. I think it's more like my priorties have changed and we were the first ones to have kids---so that made a difference.

I have gotten over my VO2 max test results. You are right, I am just in the the base/building stage of training and a lot can change. We are doing the test again in June (3 weeks prior to IMCDA)...you getting nervous about it yet? Sounds like your training is going great...all the best!!

By the way, your dogs are adorable.
You are so right about how having kids (or any other major life-change) can cause even the best of friends to drift. It just happens.
That's why I love those annual letters people put in their Christmas cards - sometimes it's the only way to keep up...;-)
Kudos for your friend to make the effort!

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