Happy Valentines Day

Today is February 14th. I used to think there were 3 types of celebration on this day. For some it means a hot date night with their loved one (that's me). For others it's the dreaded day where everyone that is a COUPLE spends a lot of money on food, flowers & presents - while those who are single, dread this day("D-DAY!" as I USED to call it). And lastly for those Retail gurus out there, it is a day of commercial bliss. Every year things get more expensive, more obnoxious and it also seems like everything becomes available as soon as the day after Christmas.
Well I now, after today, have a new appreciation for this Holiday. The funny thing is that I haven't even celebrated it yet with my husband. Today started out pretty normal. In fact, I didn't even think about it being a "holiday." I went out to do my fun, hilly run for the day. I actually drove somewhere, just a few miles from my house - 1. So I didn't have to feel guilty for leaving the dogs behind (I think I'm SO sneaky when I wait to put on my watch, hat & running shoes until after I am out the door) 2. So I could do my favorite hills in the time I had (60mins). Anyway, I parked at a gas station & headed to the corner to start up my first hill. That's when I realized it was Valentines Day. There was the cutest older woman, probably in her late 60s - early 70s camped out at the corner as a volunteer cross-guard for the school up the street. She had posted valentine decorations on the traffic light post, and had Red & Pink heart gift bags FULL of candy. As soon as she saw me, her eyes lit up & she reached into her bag to give me a piece of candy, and say "Happy Valentines Day Sweetheart!" Oh, it was the cutest thing. I smiled and thanked her graciously, but declined the candy by telling her if I accepted it & ate it, I'd never make it up the hill (as I pointed). She just smiled & pushed the cross-walk sign for me, then continued with her task of safely getting me across the street.
So, this was the start of changing my above belief that there are basically 3 types of people & ways to celebrate this "commercial" holiday. This was just a sweet, generous women happy to bring some Holiday cheer to everyone she encountered that day. It sure is nice to meet people like this, isn't it?
I continued on with my run (a good one I might add), and then went home to do some work, eat & prepare for my masters swim (which was a little tough for me). I did 2250 yards, which is equal to about what I had on my schedule for the day (2000meters), but it was hard. I am sore. I think I said something to the effect of "I feel like I've been run over by a truck," as I entered the pool. (INSERT) THANKS DANIEL for the workout yesterday!!!!
After my swim, I stopped at the grocery store for a couple of things. Of course as I walked in the doors of Safeway, all the Holiday bliss was straight in front of me. Flowers, Roses, stuffed animals, chocolates. You name it! But, what I really noticed as I walked around the store were all the little things in peoples baskets. Men of all ages & looks; white-haired, base-ball caps, barely able to drive look carrying everything from single red roses & boxes of chocolates, to the custom made arrangement from the floral shop. Then there were the ladies I saw. They were picking through all the cards (what was left of them) & smiling as they read the sweet, funny & also CHEESY romantic gestures. Today, for the first time, it actually seemed like I was surrounded by a lot more Happy Cupids, then in past years. Now, maybe this change in what I noticed isn't because more people are really happy, maybe - just maybe it's because I am :-)
So, for those of you who are having a not so Happy Valentines Day, just remember you will get your turn. I used to be there; at the bar cursing the Holiday as I enjoyed some cocktails with my girlfriends and swore off men. But now, things are different - and I am hopeful that everyone else will soon fine their Valentine as well. Here's a photo of my Valentine on our Wedding Day!
Well I now, after today, have a new appreciation for this Holiday. The funny thing is that I haven't even celebrated it yet with my husband. Today started out pretty normal. In fact, I didn't even think about it being a "holiday." I went out to do my fun, hilly run for the day. I actually drove somewhere, just a few miles from my house - 1. So I didn't have to feel guilty for leaving the dogs behind (I think I'm SO sneaky when I wait to put on my watch, hat & running shoes until after I am out the door) 2. So I could do my favorite hills in the time I had (60mins). Anyway, I parked at a gas station & headed to the corner to start up my first hill. That's when I realized it was Valentines Day. There was the cutest older woman, probably in her late 60s - early 70s camped out at the corner as a volunteer cross-guard for the school up the street. She had posted valentine decorations on the traffic light post, and had Red & Pink heart gift bags FULL of candy. As soon as she saw me, her eyes lit up & she reached into her bag to give me a piece of candy, and say "Happy Valentines Day Sweetheart!" Oh, it was the cutest thing. I smiled and thanked her graciously, but declined the candy by telling her if I accepted it & ate it, I'd never make it up the hill (as I pointed). She just smiled & pushed the cross-walk sign for me, then continued with her task of safely getting me across the street.
So, this was the start of changing my above belief that there are basically 3 types of people & ways to celebrate this "commercial" holiday. This was just a sweet, generous women happy to bring some Holiday cheer to everyone she encountered that day. It sure is nice to meet people like this, isn't it?
I continued on with my run (a good one I might add), and then went home to do some work, eat & prepare for my masters swim (which was a little tough for me). I did 2250 yards, which is equal to about what I had on my schedule for the day (2000meters), but it was hard. I am sore. I think I said something to the effect of "I feel like I've been run over by a truck," as I entered the pool. (INSERT) THANKS DANIEL for the workout yesterday!!!!
After my swim, I stopped at the grocery store for a couple of things. Of course as I walked in the doors of Safeway, all the Holiday bliss was straight in front of me. Flowers, Roses, stuffed animals, chocolates. You name it! But, what I really noticed as I walked around the store were all the little things in peoples baskets. Men of all ages & looks; white-haired, base-ball caps, barely able to drive look carrying everything from single red roses & boxes of chocolates, to the custom made arrangement from the floral shop. Then there were the ladies I saw. They were picking through all the cards (what was left of them) & smiling as they read the sweet, funny & also CHEESY romantic gestures. Today, for the first time, it actually seemed like I was surrounded by a lot more Happy Cupids, then in past years. Now, maybe this change in what I noticed isn't because more people are really happy, maybe - just maybe it's because I am :-)
So, for those of you who are having a not so Happy Valentines Day, just remember you will get your turn. I used to be there; at the bar cursing the Holiday as I enjoyed some cocktails with my girlfriends and swore off men. But now, things are different - and I am hopeful that everyone else will soon fine their Valentine as well. Here's a photo of my Valentine on our Wedding Day!

Those are great wedding photos!