This Blog Thing is FUN!
Wow, I never realized how much fun I was missing out on in this cyberworld. I've already had some great comments on my blog from fellow "bloggers," friends, triathletes. It's nice to know that there are people out there interested in the same things that I am, or at least that they are bored enough to read about what I am doing to myself during this IM training journey. Either way, it's fun, enlightening & inspirational sharing my stories, getting feedback & also being introduced to so many others out there who are writing down their thoughts & adventures for all of us to read as well. So, to all of you out there - THANKS!

It's now Thursday, and by the way my body feels, I'm having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that I am THIS sore AND I missed out on 4 workouts due to being sick. What would I feel like had I not missed those workouts. Well, maybe - just MAYBE I wouldn't have done to myself what I'm about to share. So - Wednesday's workouts went well, as you may have read in my last blog entry. Then Thursday came. I drove down to Papago to meet with my friend/trainer Daniel.
A little introduction, I met Daniel several years ago when I was working for one of those "Corporate America jobs" I'm so happy to not be in anymore. Daniel ran the fitness center in the office building I was at. He got me back into strength training while I was there. But, he made it FUN. You know, come to think of it - he's the one who convinced a bunch of us to tri - triathlon racing as well. Look at me now! Anyway, Daniel is still running the gym in that corporate building, and has graciously offered to abuse, oh I mean TRAIN me ...
Ok, back to Thursday. I went down for my workout with Daniel. 1:20mins of LEGS! Oh yes, legs. You know, while it was happening I didn't feel too bad. He just comes up with some of these "magical" exercises that you don't feel while it's happening, but MAN the next day is a whole different story. Heck..even later that night! So, I had some work things to take care of, so I did my "tempo" bike ride in the PM. It was nice out - so I headed out around 4:30. For some reason, I decided to climb to the top of Via Linda. For those who live here you know what that means. For those who don't, AZ doesn't have a lot of hills - we have to go out and SEEK them. Via Linda is one of them. It's about 6miles straight up, 600ft elevation gain. So, that was my Thursday. Legs, Legs, Legs....
So, then there is today. Long run Friday. Thankfully this is a "short" run week. I only had 70mins. I did it, but BOY did I feel every step in my hamstrings. I swear my legs were tree-trunks. Every step over 7miles, a big, heavy trunk was lifted - even if these trunks were covered in a running skirt, they were still tree trunks! However, I made it home - just in time to eat a little, work a little & head to the pool for my masters swim (2600yard workout).
What now? Well, it's Friday evening. Time to get off this computer, give my family some attention, eat some pasta & maybe even a glass of wine ;-) & watch a movie. Tomorrow is a new day. It's supposed to be beautiful here for our 3hour bike ride (65ish degrees). Have I mentioned how much I love living in Arizona where it's Feb, sunny & warm? Until next time...
