Road to Recovery

So, here we are Tuesday- Day 2 of training. I really think this will be my last missed workout (for now, of course). I had a break-thru last night. Now it wasn't exactly fun, but boy was it worth it. It was a coughing fit that started at midnight, and lasted until about 3am! My lungs were finally breaking free! Today has been so much better than the past few days.. I'm not as fatigue (now that I'm finally getting enough O2), and the 2 day rest has finally turned into boredom! So, what did I do to celebrate? I made it out of the house about 4pm to go get my toes done! Why not, I thought - I had my birthday gift certificate that momo got me & I had not seen the outside of my home walls since - oh, Saturday! So, now my body is on the mend, the weather has turned the page to where I like it (no more COLD days here in AZ) and I now have pretty Red toenails to start the training off with. Of course we all know what happens to those poor toes as the training wears on em - no more pretty red toes, let's just leave it at that.

So, I have decided that tomorrow will be my new Day 1. I will pick my schedule up right where it should be. I won't try to make up the missed workouts, I will simply do as it says - Wed: 50min Moderate run (vs the 40min speed run) & Masters swim. Let's hope my body really is as ready as I think it is!! ;-) I imagine it will be a little slower than normal. As long as I am able to do it, I'll be fine with that!

Thanks to all you who have called & emailed to check up on me. It's so nice to know how many people are out there rooting for me!


Glad you're feeling better - now I have it!
good for you for jumping back into your training plan...
Tri-Angle said…
Welcome to Blogland TDM! My journey to Ironman has been put on hold (IMAZ this year....NO GO for me now) But I look forward to hearing about yours. With a training partner like MOMO, you're in good hands....nice time at SOMA by the way....
The Stretch Doc said…
Welcome to Blog land!
Look forward to reading your blog and glad your up and better.
I'm like you, dont try and make up workouts, if missed, just move to the next one..
:) said…
Hope you are totally back to normal very soon...

Now get to trainin'!
momo said…
good job today in the pool, k! and remember, even without toe nails you can still be picked up. ;-)

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