Not so good start!

So, here we are Day one of the training & I am SICK! Kinda ironic (if you read my last blog getting sick is one of my fears) if you ask me. Anyway. I did get my long ride in Sunday & I knew something was off. We did a very challenging ride up into North Scottsdale, Cave Creek & then Seven Springs. It was basically 21miles of UP HILL! When we got to the top I was done! My lungs were burning & I started coughing & I had not taken a gel soon enough. Of course I made it back down, but not the same FUN way I would normally enjoy a decent like that!

Thank God for my friend (and training buddy) Sara who is a nurse practitioner. She called me in an antibiotic yesterday to help clear this up. I can't believe this silly little cold went into my lungs!! I went to bed last night at 7:30 & only woke up a couple times between that & 7am this am! How's that for resting my body? So, here I am Monday where I have to put a big RED X on my Monday missed workouts of Run/Swim. I'm keeping my fingers crossed I can just take one more day off (tomorrow) & pick up with my Wed schedule.

Stay Healthy, Sleep well & Listen to your body... Those are my words of wisdom for the day!!!


momo said…
i wasn't sick and i was sucking wind big time on that ride, too. ugh! i was ALMOST second thinking cda... :-) but i love hills, right? i love them????
Hi - thanks for stopping by! Love your words of wisdom for the day... Hi, Momo!
Paul said…
I Found your site from a random set of links that led me here. Don't worry a couple of days won't set you back. Best to get healthy and then stay that way ;). I took a couple of weeks off after my Day 1 (sick). It happens. You should switch the Red X to a rest day symbol. The red X is too negative, reminds me of missing a question on an exam...

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