Update from Mexico

Here we are, 4 days into our Mexico vacation and we're sitting at an American coffee shop using the wireless internet. Something is just so wrong about that..... At the same time, something is so GOOD about it as well. It gives us the opportunity to stay somewhat connected without having the constant "ding" of the blackberry.... Plus we can both do a little work then go enjoy the rest of our day! Of course I forgot to bring my camera with some of the pics we've taken so far, so I'll have to share those next time. It's absolutely gorgeous here. A little chilly in the morning, but not a cloud in the sky and it's warming up to about 70 by noon. Can't beat that in December! After a 2 day escapade of driving ALL over the city to visit the families for the Holiday, Shane & I were VERY much looking forward to our trip down here.... Unfortunately for Shane, I volunteered to be the DD on Christmas, since he has been driving me around from party to party for...