Tis the season?

Here we are, that time of year again. For some reason I just CAN NOT seem to get into it this year.

The last two years Shane, the dogs and I have put aside all family obligations (yes, I said obligations because we felt like we were constantly being guilted into going all over the city for all the celebrations, regardless of what we actually wanted to do.) We tried the one year here, one year there thing, but still it seemed like someone was always mad at us..... We decided we wanted to make our own tradition - go to Mexico!

On top of all that my birthday is on the 24th. So, usually on my birthday we were celebrating Christmas somewhere, and having someone else mad at us that we weren't participating in the celebrations elsewhere....

Bah Humbug. I know.....

Truth be told I used to ABSOLUTELY love Christmas. I have a very small immediate family. My parents & grandparents always spoiled us rotten as kids, and even when we couldn't afford stuff, somehow Santa always arrived with more than enough. PLENTY MORE. But, it was fun. Good food, stockings filled Christmas morning (my FAVORITE) and no fighting over where we were going to go. One year it would be my grandparents, the next year at our house.

Sometimes my parents had to work on Christmas, so somehow, Santa would always find his way to our house before they left. Always.... funny how he just knows, huh?

Back to the Mexico thing. So the last two years we've gone to Mexico. The first year my family came, the second year it was just us. Honestly, it was quite nice. There was no crazy gift giving, just a birthday celebration on the 24th and yummy food, followed by a lazy day on the 25th. Oh and a too cute charlie brown Christmas tree to boot. Santa brought stockings for the dogs, and we shared mimosas on the beach.

After last year however my family started the guilting again. Some family were going to be coming into town this year, and it was made clear that I was to be HERE, not in Mexico. Apparently my tolerance for guilt has been diminished, because sure enough we are going to be here until the 26th.

Now, don't get me wrong. I know I should feel more than blessed to have my family close and here, and in many ways I do. We all have family problems and issues we go through, I know I'm no different than anyone else, but this year, let's just say my family has had it's fair share of drama.....

The meaning of gift giving has changed, sometimes it seems more about how much you spend, vs the thought at all. That's what I hate the most. It's more stressful and not at all what I felt like when I was growing up. Honestly, there is nothing more that I would rather being doing next week then heading south and celebrating with my little family, friends... away from the commercial like holiday atmosphere. A Charlie Brown tree, bottle of tequila and blue ocean.

But, in a way I am "sucking it up buttercup." I can only hope that things make a turn for the better. That the time we spend with our families will be even an ounce closer to what it used to be like. I'll do my best to put all negative feelings aside, I just hope that the rest of my family can do the same...

Unfortunately, this year not only have Shane & I not put up our Christmas tree, but we also lost our creativity for our most famous Christmas cards featuring the "kids." We will come up with something, but time is closing in on us so I don't think it will be anything like before, and will most likely come as a New Year's card this year..... I guess that only means next year will have to be Bigger and Better!!!

On a more uplifting note, it IS the season for Holiday Parties!!! This is something I DO love :-) Now that Shane & I no longer have any big corporate connections, there are no fancy dress up parties to attend, however..... I did find myself needing something nice to wear for a couple of things!

Holiday attire for me usually means a nice top or sweater, jeans and some cute shoes! But, this year we are going here for my birthday dinner, so I really wanted to have something nice to wear.. And, later in January is my partner in crime's big day, and I think there might be some dress up involved in that, after the big RUN of course....

So, in my restless, post race recovery mode I headed to the MALL and fell in love with a couple of things. Mind you, the closest thing to a dress I've bought in the last 5 years (other than my wedding dress) is a running skirt. NO joke...

But, in the next month or so I will be wearing THIS.....

and THIS....

Crazy no? I'm pretty excited! Usually this time of year I'm injured or full recovery mode, wanting to hide the extra lbs away under warm fuzzy cloths. This year, I'm feeling pretty good. I've managed to keep my Ironman race weight, minus even lb or 2 so I'm happy to be playing dress up I guess! I am a little worried about the birthday bash, it is a few weeks after the Mexico trip... Guess I'll have to work my butt off when I get back!


Molly said…
I LOVE running away for Christmas to our happy place. My family goes bananas for Christmas and it's not that it's not fun, but...it's really nice to just have our own quiet little quirky warm Arizona Christmas with the dogs and our own traditions.
Anonymous said…
Those are two perfect dresses for you!! You are going to look smokin' hot!! I want to see pictures :)

Supalinds said…
I hope it all works out and if it doesn't you'll be in Mexico shortly after the mayhem! Good luck.

Love the dresses!! You will look great in both.
Benson said…
*wolf whistle*
dang, you're gonna be stopping traffic wearing those dresses.

keep it happy.

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