Plan B

It's been 2 days of nothing... well, really more like 10 or so if you add in the taper, then the swim, then rest....

I am ALREADY bored.

My name is Krista & I am addicted to exercise. There you have it. I admit it. It's a problem. It's sometimes healthy, sometimes over the top. It's there and I just can't seem to get rid of it. There are worse things I could obsess over, right?

I am still indifferent about the whole ordeal. Disappointment is probably top of the list. Not in myself, just in general. I know there is absolutely NOTHING I could have done about my situation. That does stop the "what-ifs" though. I look at those race results and see where I could have been. That's probably the hardest, most frustrating part.

My good friend Sara, my medical (NP) expert sent me a very sweet (along with so many other people!!) email that really helped me feel better.. This girl has been around through all of my drama. From IT band injury and surgery to my Spine issues and epidural injections in my neck. Poor thing things she can get away from the office, unfortunately I always seem to reel her back in :-) Anyway - this is what she wrote:

"I know it's got to be so frustrating with what you WANT to do and what your body LETS you...And of course, the thing to remember with something like asthma is that it is absolutely no reflection of how you take care of yourself and how good of shape you're in... Something you just happened to inherit and something you need to medicate so it doesn't keep you from doing the things you want...A lot of times I'll have my asthmatics use their meds from Feb-May and then again from Sept- Nov... but depending on pollution levels (as you well know) you may need it for a week or two here or there throughout the year."

The part is bold is what really hit me. It's so true, and lot of times I take my breathing problems with a grain of salt. I am very regular about one of my medications, but with the others, the ones that really help on a day to day basis, particularly before workouts and in prime allergy/cold/pollution times, I am less than perfect. My only reasoning (or excuse) I suppose, is that you hear about people with problems all the time. Half the people I know use an inhaler for exercise induced asthma. The majority of people I know have a hard time breathing in the crappy AZ air. I guess I forget that I'm not just like them. I have a non-seasonal or subjective problem that I DO have to pay attention to DAILY.

Yes, I am stubborn... Aren't we all though?

With all of that said.... Of course I have a new "Plan B."

I was very uncomfortable on Sunday when I got home from the race. My chest felt like I had a brick sitting on it. It hurt to breath deep. I slept another 10+hours and in the morning got in to see my Dr. We are trying another medication that will help open up my airways. I tried this medicine before, when I got sick from all the dust with the remodel, but I wasn't very good about continuing taking it, as it has a steroid and I thought it was part of my sleeping problem. After talking with my Dr., we decided to try it again, a lower dose this time - and hopefully the sleeping problems were just a reaction to all the crazy amounts of steroids I was put on at the time....

It's been 2 days, and I am already feeling better. My chest doesn't hurt, it's just really tight in the morning, and as the day goes on and I take the second dose of the medicine, I feel even more open.

I was scouring the internet trying to come up with a race(s) to not waste all this fitness I have. Momo and I were IM'ing and I told her I was going to do the Tucson half marathon in Dec, and I guess I just had to let my bike fitness go.... She started asking about any bike races, etc.... And we talked about tour de tucson. Thing is, I can't ride my road bike for that kind of distance. I'm just not comfortable on her for longer than about 2 hours. She's just a little too big, and it starts to take a tole after a lot of miles.

Momo told me to ride HER road bike. At first I was like, NO WAY. She's brand NEW. And, then I looked at the date and saw it was 11/22. IMAZ - so that was OUT! Again, she assured me IM was on SUNDAY not Saturday.... Why was I thinking it was Saturday??? Weird...
Anyhow, so I am going to do it. I'm going to do the El Tour de Tucson on 11/22.

Seriously, how lucky am I? Who would let someone ride their brand new barely used bike? Good friends people.. that's who.

Part 2 of Blan B is The Tucson Half marathon on 12/7. We have a LOT of friends here heading down to do either the Full or the Half, some trying to BQ.

So, there you have it. I'm meeting with a coach (my master's swim coach's husband) on Thursday to make me a 5 week schedule to get me thru those races, the right away.

And, most importantly I'm taking my medicine and getting better and not over-doing it.

And there you have it. Plan B!


Anonymous said…
I'm glad you're feeling better and have some new plans to look forward to!!

Why am I not one bit surprised at Momo's generosity?? You girls are two peas in a pod and lucky to share such a wonderful friendship :-)

Good with the upcoming goals!!
Anonymous said…
oops- meant "good luck"
momo said…
you know its totally selfish on my part, don't you? if you're riding long, i have company. not just any company - your company - and that makes me HAPPY, happy, happy!

oh, but the pink handlebar tape stays. :-)
Sonia said…
I just read your blog for the first time from Cindy's. I really like your kids!! They are so cute! =)

First off congrats on finishing a half IM that's no small feast. Especially considering your asthma and the high 90's with humidity there.... you're a real trooper (or crazy endorphins addict ;-))

Good luck recovering.
Fe-lady said…
Did you enter the Tour? Are their still spots available?
Have fun! It's the "Day of the Bike" here...and bikes rule!
J~Mom said…
WOOHOO!! I am glad you have a plan B. No looking back just forward. I will be a Tour de Tucson as well! :>)

BTW I am an asthma sufferer and I totally understand what you are going through. I have allergy induced asthma not exercise induced. It's coming into my worst time of year with the cold air and muck in the air. :<(

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