Wind wind GO AWAY

And DON'T come back every single day... PLEASE! Jeez. It's not like it's April in AZ. And, isn't hurricane season about over? Apparently, not. I mean - really.... Can you imagine what Momo, all 90lbs of her and Malibu Barbie, and myself (eh..not quite as light as momo - but mini-me's lightness making up for that difference) out there on our long rides holding on for dear life with those cross winds? I'm sure we look pretty funny.
But, funny it is not when you are on your bike for 4-5hours with 25mph crosswinds going down 9mile hill. Let's just say our rides have been eh, sub par. I'm trying to keep a good attitude about it though. What doesn't kill ya makes ya stronger, no? Sure hope so! Although, I swear a couple of those gusts WERE going to kill us! We actually modified our route Saturday because we were going DOWN HILL at some points only 14mph - usually we are going about 22-23 at that point. The wind was just too strong.
But, enough about the crappy weather. I mean, the last two days have been ABSOLUTELY gorgeous in AZ. Like, I even ran at SEVEN THIRTY this morning and didn't die. It was heaven! And, yesterday we had our doors/windows open ALL DAY and even grilled and ate outside last night. I love October here....

I just hope this fantastic weather can hold up for Soma this year. It's a 50/50 chance. The year I did it, 3 years ago - it was like last year. Blistering hot. I have however trained my body a bit more this year, running and pushing my HR in the heat... Hopefully that helps. I'm trying not to think about it too much.
As for the rest of my training... well - it's been ok. I've had some great/fast runs (for me)... some good bikes, and swimming has been about average. But, for the first time ever... I'm not doing ALL my training :-) If training were like school, I'd be an A+ student. But, this time around, I'm trying the "less is more" approach. More quality, not as many workouts.... We'll see how it goes!
.............Now some catch up.....
So, last weekend was Shane's 40th Birthday. Yup.... he's 40, I'm 30. I'm such a little shit, rubbing it in like that ;-) It's fun though. For now.... And, according to Big J, I'm an OLD 30. As much as I hate to admit it, it's true. That's ok though - I had fun when I was younger, and just aged quicker I guess! I'm healthy and active and happy - that's all that matters to me, regardless of my age. And, I still get carded all the time, for the most part. Except when I'm with Shane :-) He's totally going to call me out on this post....
But, anyhoo - we went down to Rocky Point to celebrate his birthday. S & I drove down on Thursday after the 4hr kansas ride (me) and 20mile kansas run (S). Holy Hell was it HOT! Like, July Arizona smoldering hot and humid hot. Crap..... It's never fun to be at the BEACH when it is so hot you have to stay in side. Last year, same time - I remembered it being hot that first night, but then gorgeous the rest of the weekend. We were hoping for the best...

However, when Momo & Big J arrived, and we greeted them at the guard gate with a Dos Equis and momo drank it before we even got to the house, my denial of how freaking hot it was was realized.... Oh well. We can still make our own fun! Which we did! Unfortunately, maybe too much fun cause of course I didn't remember to take ANY pictures! Momo got a few... maybe someday she'll update her blog too and post them :-)
We walked around town (hungover) in the morning.... Thank you Bloody Mary! My new favorite morning drink for Mexico :-).... We played scrabble and ate jello shots. And, BTW - scrabble is SO not meant for Mexico. Miss smarty pants Momo & Mr. smarty pants Shane were driving me nuts with their 42 point per word strategy, while I on the other hand was oblivious to the competitiveness in DRINKING scrabble, and chose a more fun fiesta strategy with words like sex and sexy and adding "s" to the above mentioned smarty pants' words.
I tried to pick it up at the last minute to get some good words, but I'm sorry - Mexico, tequila, vodka and HANGOVER do not = words like "zenith" for me.

Anyhoo, enough of that. Maybe I'm just a poor sport for getting my ass kicked. No, drinking scrabble is STUPID. Unless next time we have a category! Yah.. that's a good one.
So, the weekend came and went - momo & J were only there for a couple days, and of course once they left the weather got better and Shane & I were able to spend some time on the beach. We finally took a couple pics. The dogs had an absolute blast, and the dolphins actually came out for a visit as well....

After the sun finally went down, we headed back up to the house to clean up a bit & out for a nice quiet birthday dinner and margarita!

Overall, it was a fantastic weekend, and I was sad (albeit bloated and hungover) to come home.


Supalinds said…
Sounds like a blast!! Happy Birthday Shane - I hope Big J gave you a big fat wet one.
momo said…
i miss mexico - lets go back. soon! and the next time, i'm not going to be training for ANYTHING and i'm going to do five tequila shots. ;-)

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