
We all need a little bit of inspiration and help out there some days right? Well, here's some for you.

You all remember my dear friend Tonsa, right? The one who was diagnosed with breast cancer less than 2 years ago while training for the Ragnar Relay?

Well, not only has she been "cancer free" for several months, she has also since celebrated her 50th birthday, ran and placed in her age group in several local races and is currently training to Boston qualify at the Tucson Marathon. And you know it, I will be there to cheer here in!

However, probably one of her most proud moments happened last Sunday at the Komen Race for the Cure. I'll let you read what she sent out!

Dearest Friends ……………………………………………. Howdy and Happy Monday --- here is the Race Report …………………..

Over 34,000 people stepped to the start line on Sunday morning ------ they only gave out three medals to the top three survivor finishers and WE won one of them!!!!

Running for all that each of you have meant to me, running for all those women who fought before me and running for all those who may come after me, I strung together three 8 minute miles to capture third place and one of the coveted medals!!! It will now and forever more be my favorite race medal --

The best moments were seeing Del's astonishment as I was bookin' to the finish (I know I surprised both of us!) and then climbing up on the medal podium and seeing that sea of people there supporting the cause.

The real winner is the Phoenix community we raised over 2 million dollars for Komen!!


Carrie said…
If she doesn't read your blog, let her know we're proud of her!

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