I'm BACK!!!!

Ok, so my wind dance didn't really work. Now, I shouldn't be complaining about our AZ weather, when the poor people in Kansas were struck so hard over the weekend by Mother Nature.

BUT, man... was it windy as heck here! I mapped out a nice 95+ mile loop for us (Momo, S & Sara). Well, nice being relative... I mean, there were lots of hills so it was going to be tough no matter what, but dang.....

Now, if you've read my past couple posts you know I have been, well.... "under the weather." Saturday was no different. I tried to get in as many calories as possible on Friday to help, but after a week of not eating right, it just wasn't enough. My energy level from the start was at about 2 on a level of 1-10. The first part was actually the hardest for me. I couldn't get my HR up, and kept on trying to take in nutrition. Finally at about the 3 hour mark, I was really struggling to get in calories. I backed off my gels/fig newtons to every 50mins instead of 30-40, and stuck to just water.

I actually started to feel better. Thank goodness, cause Momo was really kicking it in then, and I was just trying to stay with the group (by stay with the group, I mean draft from the back of the line!). I think I had 1 more gel at about 4:45, but just couldn't do anymore, with an hour left on the ride... We ended the ride with a few really hard hills, and I gave everything I had to get up them (which wasn't much). I remember looking down and seeing like 3.5mph. Does anyone know at WHAT speed can you still keep moving, and not actually fall over when still going UP? I don't want to be the one to test it out...

We got home at exactly 5:45, and I somehow managed to get my running shoes on. I decided to cut the run from :30mins to :15, because I hadn't done any nutrition in over an hour. I headed out with Sara & Melisa, but could only stick with them for about 3mins. My stomach was cramping & twisting and turning....

BUT, I made it.... my longest workout yet! Momo & Shane were describing how it gets better, and it was a really tough day, so not to feel bad. You know, the funny thing was, I wasn't discouraged at all. Had the ride been tough like that when I was healthy, heck ya I'd be a little freaked out... but I was able to hang with the group & pull through on basically no nutrition for a week. You know, I'm actually looking forward to this Saturday's ride!!!

Sunday Sara came over to do a run with S & I. I wasn't able to take much in on Saturday after the ride, so I knew I'd be lagging behind. I brought my IPOD so I could pull back from them when needed. About 25mins into the run, I just couldn't hang anymore. I told them to go ahead & I'd be good. So, Sara, S & the dogs took off ahead. The rest of the run was a real struggle for me. I just had nothing in me. I kept a decent pace, but I couldn't change the pace regardless of the terrain, up hill or down hill.... My HR was pretty low, but I just didn't have enough fuel to make my body move!

They waited for me at a light, and I told them to just go ahead, not worry about me, I was going to cut the run short & head home. I filled S up with water for the kids, and they took off ahead. Then, we were coming down Via Linda Hill (we'd been climbing this whole time) about an hour in to the run, and I saw Shane kinda stop suddenly. I caught up to them, and he said his hamstring was locking up. So, he was ending the run too. I took the dogs from him & headed home. We both called it a day & Sara headed out for the rest of the run.

We managed to get in 1:20 out of 2:10. That was enough for me. The best part? I got my HUNGER BACK!!!! Suddenly, I was hungry... food sounded good, I didn't have to force it down... it was fantastic.

I ate a real dinner(real meaning not chicken soup or toast and more than a couple of bites).... enjoyed a glass of wine (I know, way to let myself heal, huh? - ask Momo, I'm sure she'ld agree with me that it REALLY DOES HELP!), and got a great nights sleep.

I woke up today, still pretty tired, but still hungry, and not nauseous at all! I did a leg workout with Daniel, and then headed to masters for my 4500meters (4900yard) swim workout! Do you know how stinking LONG that is... Man! I was the first person in the pool, and one of the last ones out! BTW - I still smell like chlorine!

So, all in all.... I think I'm BACK! I'm ready for this weeks training, and next week's BUILD week. I'm ready for it all :-)


Allez said…
I know I would have fallen over at 3.5 mph! What is it with the chlorine? I can never seem to wash it out and I smell all day long.
Andra Sue said…
Glad to hear you're feeling better! By the way, I've gone up a hill at 3mph and 30 cadence and not fallen over. It was a close call, though. Ha ha.
Spokane Al said…
Glad to hear you are back. I'm sure you will be rocking from this point forward as IM CDA gets closer and closer and closer . . .
Yep - it's 3.5. Anything below that and you will drop over -- ask me I know! I tipped a couple years ago and ended up getting 5 stitches in my palm when I got to the ER 3 hours later. My heart rate must have been about 175 going up that hill at 3.5 mph, so I gave quite an "interesting, if you like science" display about how our blood pumps to my biking buddies...

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