
You would think after being so run down, tired and in need of a break 6 weeks ago, I'd be 'living' it up...

It's just not what is going on with me. It's so weird. So not what I thought I would be like after doing an Ironman. I was sick of getting up so early, sick of not having energy or time to do anything 'fun' outside of training.

Funny how things change...

This weekend was a perfect example of how I NEED the training. I need the endurance exercise..... However, I like not feeling like I HAVE to do it.

Friday I did a 10mile run. I did the first 7.5miles with my dogs, and it was fantastic. It was hot, of course here, but for the most part the sun was behind some clouds so it wasn't so bad. I wasn't worried about my pace, I just followed my HR, took extra stops to give the dogs water & completed the run. Later that afternoon I went to masters to swim so I could loosen my legs.

S & I met for dinner that night and had a drink, pizza & salad. To top it off we also had Pzookie (peanut butter half baked cookie!!!). This right here is the big difference between being "in training" and just "kinda training" as I like to call it right now...

Normally on a Friday night we'd be home, tired as all get out & eating the same damn whole wheat pasta with red sauce for dinner. In bed by 9 to get up & do our long ride. So, it was a nice change to be able eat what we wanted and not worrying about the next days workout...

Saturday I took the day off. My body did feel like it needed it, but then as the morning progressed I realized I had no idea what to do with myself. I was B.O.R.E.D. I did about as much damage on the internet as I could. Read Blogs, searched some triathlon sites, looked over (my weekly gossip fix).... Wouldn't you know it it was only 11:30am.

I really didn't know what to do with myself. I'm trying to not spend money for a while. After looking at the last 6 months of expenses related to ironman training, S & I are both feeling a little tapped out...

I would love to go get a pedicure... but again, trying not to spend $$. I can always go shoe shopping, especially now that I can wear HEELS again!.... Hmm, see a pattern? B.O.R.E.D = spend money.

Well, somehow I survived Saturday. S & I ran some errands, ate Sushi for dinner & got a movie to watch.

I had planned to go on a bike ride with Stacey and Dave, the All Things Triathlon Newbies. I was very much looking forward to this. I haven't ridden with them for months as we were in our peak IM training when they were getting comfortable on the bike....

Let me tell you. These two have improved A.LOT!!!! They are worlds ahead of where S & I were 6 months into our cycling. I think the more they get saddle time, they'll be even better! We did a 40mile loop from my house, and they even let me take them up Hummingbird Hill, one of the infamous hills in AZ that was a staple in our IM training. They did awesome. Dave was up ahead of me.... Stacey was right with me. I was doing my best to stay under 160bpm, but had I done that they both would have sped up ahead of me!

I have a feeling they are going to be out there with us next year as we train for CDA again....:-)

The heat picked up and I was definitely happy to be able to end the ride. As much fun as I had... as the temps hit 104degs (9am!) I was really happy I didn't have a 5+hr ride or brick to do. I needed the ride, I enjoyed the company, but I'm happy to say I was relieved to get into an AC house.

I didn't do much the rest of the day. Laundry was pretty much it. Unlike Saturday I was ok with this. I was calm, relaxed & no longer restless. I guess a 40mile ride with some friends is exactly what I needed.

I guess my point is, I'm not really sure what I would do with out all of this. Without my marathon goal, without next year's IM, without being healthy and happy and able to do all of these things that I love so much.

So, next time friends.. when I start to complain about not wanting to train. Remind me of this post. Remind me of how much I love it, how much I miss it when I'm not doing it... and how much it truly is a part of who I am.


Bigun said…
Wo. Wo - hold it right there! You spent good, hard earned cash on SHOES and a PEDICURE? And the shoes, you say, had heels and aren't made of carbon!!!!????!!!! What's wrong with this picture?
Cycling Newbies said…
You are being way too nice - I was barely keeping up. After the ride, I was feeling muscles in my butt that I had never felt before --- not that I am complaining!! It's great to reconnect with why you started running/biking/swimming in the first place - glad you are feeling good!

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