Clean Bill of Health

I went to pick up Mini-Me and "X" Road bike today. Unfortunately my road bike wasn't ready yet, but Mini-Me was all set..... I guess she just had a lose bracket. Total Cost $15. Now THAT might be an all time LOW $$ spent.... Of course I haven't paid for the other bike yet....

**Update** Good news, as I am writing this I just got a call from my LBS - the other bike is ready! New Bar Tape, Old fit measurements back, new chain & tune up. He said the chain was BAD, but other than that it just looks like it has not been ridden a lot lately..... Phhhewwww.... Pretty sure that will tally up to $150...

The owner said it happens on Carbon Bikes, and it's a good idea, at least once a year to strip it and clean it all up, then put it back together.

Sounds way over my head, which doesn't take much. About all I can do is; pump up the tires, change a tire, put some white lightening on, and hose her down.

This is in fact why I have my own personal 'bike biatch.' You can tell when he's really busy, or deep into training... or not training, but recovering like now, cause my bikes start to look roughed up. Hence, the recent trip to the bike shop.

On a completely different subject, I too feel like I have a clean bill of health..... As I mentioned before my shoulder has really been bugging me. I did something that I am NOT know for. I rested it. I did not do any upper body strengthening, or swimming for 2.5 weeks.

Anyone who knows me, knows that I don't rest well.... If you've read Spokane Al's Posts lately, he's taking about his injury and having to take time off. I handle it about as well as he explains he does....

It's frustrating at best.. I'm sure this all stems from my old IT Band injury days when I COULD NOT RUN. So, whenever something is hurt now, I panic and think "will it ever get better?" My IT band was supposed to be better after a couple of months you know?

Anyway - I was all set to give in and go to my PT to have him work on my shoulder. Over the 2 week course of "rest" I felt like it was getting better, but at the same time there was still pain..

Then, on Tuesday when I was at the gym doing my leg workout, one of the exercises had me laying flat on the foam roll. I decided to stretch out my arms and stretch my chest. Instantly my left side was noticeably tighter. I started rubbing from my collar bone down to my armpit & could feel how tight it was.

So, I tried to stretch my shoulder blades down as far as they would go. I kinda felt a "pop" of sorts.... Then, I got up off the foam roll and instantly the pressure in my shoulder was nearly gone.

For the next two days I did this stretch over and over....

Wed, I decided to try it out at Masters. Probably not what a lot of people would say was the smartest thing, but hey... it's me :-)

Guess what? It was GREAT! I went really slow, I didn't use the paddles. I was very focused on a nice long stroke. If I picked it up it would twinge a bit, so I stopped doing that.

I swam 2200yards... It felt great. I could have gone longer, but didn't want to mess anything up.

I also went back to masters today. This time a little more confident, yet at the same time cautious. It was a bit harder to stay slow, because there was someone sharing a lane with me that was SCHOOLING me! Now, don't get me wrong it's not like I'm that competitive, but I'm used to being lapped on the run, not so much on the swim.

Oh well.... It was a great swim. Helped loosen up my legs. I had no pain.... 2400total.

I'm not too worried about hurting it by swimming so much, because after next week I'll only be able to go once a week for the next 6 weeks. I'm starting Real Estate School, and it just happens to fall during the Mon & Wed masters workouts. I guess I'll be forced into resting....

Well, that's all for now! I hope everyone is surviving this Friday the 13th!

P.S. Thanks to all your suggestions on naming my bike. I'm thinking I'll ride her/him on Sunday & try to get a feel for what it should be called...


Spokane Al said…
Glad to hear that your injury worked out so well. That is good news I am sure.

And keep those dog pictures coming - they make my day.
Bigun said…
I always get schooled - masters class, whenever - the bigun swims like a manatee....

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