Week 3, no running

Well, I AM surviving. Who would have thought? If you ask most people that know me, particular S, it will be noted that I am not good at resting. Or sitting still. Or being told that I CAN'T.

This time, I made the decision ON MY OWN, to take 4 weeks off of running. The last time I did any running was Nov 25th at the Seattle Half Marathon. It was painful.... but, I did it for my friend. My # 1 fan :-)

Since then I've done what I could to keep my self pre-occupied. 2 times per week of Daniel torture. 3 times per week swimming, and 3 times per week spinning/cycling.

The first couple weeks I was still in pain. I was icing and rolling on my foam roll 3-4 times per day. I would lie down on the couch with a bag of peas on both knees and one on my hip (taking turns on which side).

Finally, week 3 is here, and my knees feel great. I haven't felt any weird catching, or soreness during any of my workouts, or just walking around... and the early morning pain in particular is gone.

Normal Krista would say, YEAH, it's time to go! But, as much as my husband likes to disagree with me, I'm BEING SMART this time! I don't want to have to take this time off again, so close to IM training. I really want to have some running under my belt before the 20 week training starts on Feb 4th.

My 'plan' is to start my running on my birthday, the 24th. That will have given me 4 weeks completely off of running. What better way to 'start over' then the ocean at your side? My plan is to do 20mins every other day for the first week. If all goes ok, then I will up it to 30mins, but maybe put two days in between.

I am limited to my workouts I can do while in Mexico, and since we are going to be there for 2.5 weeks I'm going to have to get creative. I've asked Daniel to put some leg workouts together for me, that I can do without any equipment. With all the random stuff we do, I'm sure he'll have no problem with this :-)

Other than the leg workouts, I'm going to have to keep myself from turning into an out of shape balloon with long walks on the beach. Which, is really one of my favorite things to do. We are pretty much right in the middle of our community in Rocky Point, so one way is a 4.5 mile loop on the beach, the other is about the same...or we could make it all the way into town, but that would probably be more like 7 miles..

The dogs love hanging out and running around on the beach, so they are pretty good incentive. Plus, it's a great way to sweat/work out some of the 'adult beverages.'

Oh, there is also the kayaking... not sure how much of a workout we'll give ourselves with that, but, it's got to count for something, right?

Back to the spinning subject. I'm really, really enjoying it. I started spinning about 3 or so years ago when I was first injured. It was cold & dark and I didn't have any daylight hours I could ride in, and I don't think we had our trainer yet. I could not run AT ALL. I started taking a 5:30 am spin class twice a week. I tried several instructors, but there was only one that I really liked. He was awesome. He did all the workouts based on HR zones (using a monitor NOT perceived exertion), the music was fantastic, he was always helping with form. He made all the rides like being outside. In the spring when I got back on my bike, it was like I was a new rider. I could keep up with the boys (never mind my HR), and it was effortless...

I finally healed up, and stopped going to spin class..... I had the flexibility of riding at any time during the day now, so I didn't feel like I should be inside.

But, now something drew me back. I started going 3 weeks ago. I've been to 6 classes now and had 3 different instructors. I can't complain about any of them. While they might be a little "loony," they are hard core. They push you to your limits, and never let you slack off. It's the only workout next to running that gets my sweating like a pig, and gives me that 'high' like I really really just did something.

Yesterday in class, I was late so I got stuck in the front row. I'm not sure if it was that, or I was just fired up, but throughout the class the instructor was making me an example. She was showing others in the class my form and how I was right on beat. As much as I hate the attention, I have to admit it was pretty cool. At the end of the class she came up to me and said how great I looked and I was "right on the whole time." Needless to say, that helped my lack of running sadness fade right away.

So, my hope is.... that this spinning will give me another boost of cycling just like it did the first time. More power, better climbing legs, and more racing 'oomph.' We'll see :-)

I know I have a lot more to give this year in CDA on the swim & bike course.... The run, while it may be my favorite of the 3, it's not my strength, and I know that a 5hr marathon is pretty realistic. I have it in me to push way faster on the swim, and take off a bit on the bike....

We will just have to WAIT and see!


brendaj said…
Sounds like a great, well thought out plan. Enjoy taking the dogs to the beach...that's one of our favorite things to do!

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