It's ALL about the dogs!

I decided this post would NOT be about training. Because, well... I'm just frustrated with it. I hate not being able to run. I officially backed out of the Ragnar Relay, and it all just makes me plain old GRUMPY. But, I'm doing my best. I'm doing everything else, swimming, biking, weights & walks with the dogs on the days Shane does not run them....

So, my dogs always make me happy. And I just love to talk about them. And brag, and SHARE pictures.

I have to first appologize for the crappy images, they were taken with my phone and indoors (with the exception of the "other" dog) so the quality sucks.

We have a tradition in this house that whenever we go away to a race before we hang up our finisher medals, we tell Baxter that we "won" him a medal. He sits very nicely and lets us put the medal around his neck. He proud. SO proud. Like, he won the Gold medal at the Olympics or something. He runs around the house PRANCING with his beautiful new medal... I swear that he knows when we tell him we're going to a race to "win him a medal" he TOTALLY understands what we are talking about....and he even sits and lets us take pictures. He SO poses.

Notice the picture behind him... It's the sign my iron sherpa fans made for me at CDA.

I just can't bare to part with it... even though it doesn't exactly match my office :-)
What I didn't realize was that ABBY too felt like she needed a medal. She was waiting for me to pull one out of my suitcase for HER too. She ran up to Bub and started biting him and the medal.
Notice he is STILL posing. Oh, and see Sara in the background. She thinks they are SOOOO stupid. I tried to put a medal on her. She just put her head down like she was ashamed. She wants to be old and fat, not a young, dumb athlete.
Oh, and my new office, slash old spare bedroom with the new futon, oops I mean GIANT dog bed.... I am so loosing, er, LOST the battle with keeping the dogs off of it. I compromised and put a blanket for them to lay on, so I don't have to constantly have the cover dry cleaned.
This is what they do ALL DAY LONG, until about 4, when they get a second wind and run around the house like mad dogs. On crack. And Tequila. Seriously... you should be here, it's comical.
Well, sometimes they change positions on the "dog bed"
No pictures to go along with this next story, but I just got back from the Vet. 2 months ago when Baxter had the cyst removed from his puppy paw, the vet also removed a couple of little growth, mole type things from his lower eye lid. Well he got a new one, and it was right in the corner of his eye. It got pretty big in the last week, and he scratched it a couple times and made it bleed. SO, back to the vet. Again.... The Dr. is way cool. There are 2 Dr's. Dr. Beres, who is the head doc is my favorite. He's no nonsense, cut to the chase. He took Baxter in the bag, pulled off the mole, skin tag thing and cauterized it. It was done in like 1min. And, he didn't charge me.
I also had him check out a couple of lumps on his belly. I figured they were just fatty deposits. My first Vizsla had them, I figured it was the same thing. He said it was more like a cyst because you could pull it away from the skin.. or something like that. So, I have to bring him & Abby in next week to get their health certs for Mexico(Sara goes, Monday - she sees the fancy $$ Scottsdale Ranch Doc). He's going to check out the eye again, and if it gets bigger, he'll remove it (under anesthesia at a later time) and also the cysts on his belly.
I was also there a couple weeks ago to get Abby's blood work done. She's been back on the Valley Fever medicine for 3 months. The last time we checked her levels she was 1-64 (bad), they have gone down to 1-16, but not as good as they were before (1-4). However, she's made a significant breakthrough in the past several weeks. She is VERY excited to eat, full of energy. And, no getting sick. I'm hoping the levels have dropped even more, but we won't take her back in for a couple months (ugh $100 each time).
Seriously, putting these 2 on the Wellness plans at Banfield was such a good choice. I don't pay a dime for any of the office visits, just the additional services. Today, Baxter would have cost me probably $100 for the visit and removal...
On another DOG topic, I was on my way to spin class yesterday morning (so saved for another post, it's my first time back in like FOREVER) and I saw this guy walking across the street, into my neighbor's yard...
Then he wondered into my front yard... I had to make sure he didn't jump our fence. My dogs would have FREAKED.
Can you believe how big the guy is? And I saw him up CLOSE. He was VERY healthy. Looked like a well taken care of German Shepherd or something. Big and well fed. We live pretty close to the mountains, but in a very developed neighborhood. It's funny, you will just see them walking down the street like its no big deal.....
Anyway - hope you enjoyed. I'm riding my bike tomorrow, then Daniel leg workout, so hopefully I'll have some Non-Doggy...actual training details to share ;-) Or... not!


Kate said…
What cute kids you have. They are just darling laying on the new bed! Are they going to Mexico with you?!
Flo said…
I love reading posts about people's dogs. My dogs are my kids. I love writing about them too :)
Oh to be "29" again. I'm jealous. I relate to "It's all about the dogs" so very well. we only have one vizsla and that's plenty for us. He's such a handfull. We got him because hubby semi-retired from GM and needed a buddy and I needed a walking/jogging partner who would be willing to go out in all weather -- we go a vizsla. The big bummer is that I've been fighting plantar facisitias since early September. So now Rocket has to go to the dog park to work out his mischevious brain cramps. I got a real kick out of your blog and the pictures. Yes, Vizsla do think they are human don't they?
Erin said…
I love the dog post! And the pic of Baxter with his medal, looking all distinguished and pleased with himself. V's really are like little red humans, aren't they?!
brendaj said…
Too at work I saw an adorable dog with one blue eye and one brown eye. :)
I love non-tri posts... We have lives outside of sports and that's actually a good thing!
And the dogs are sooo cute. I love the "still posing" picture - that is hilarious!
Di said…
love the update on the pups! That guy wandering the yards does indeed look well fed...wonder what he's been finding for dinner....?
Benson said…
Dogs rule!
I just love the pose. I'll have to tri that with my dog.

Inspite of the picture resolution, I pretty sure the "other dog" is a very healthy Coyote. No kidding.

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