Week 7

How did we already get through 7 weeks? Hmm, maybe because I slept week 6 away? Yah, that must be it.

Week 7 was tough. Recovering from that flu, upper respiratory crap was really really hard. I'm still not 100%. The good news is that every day I feel a little bit better, the workouts are just more effort than normal, and I've had to slow my paces dramatically due to increased HR and jut plain old lack of energy.

The running started out extremely rough when I made it less than 2 miles on my Monday run, was unable to do Wed's tempo... but things started looking up on Friday. I had 2 A.R.T. treatments and each day had less and less pain. I sure hope this lasts, I'm hopefully, but still scared....

On Saturday S & I had a 5 hour ride scheduled. It was tough. I knew from the get go I was in trouble. My HR was 145 where it is usually 130. Then about 15miles in, after we picked up momo & Jane we were heading up a pretty good climb. I had to pull back from the group to keep my HR in zone 2. My effort felt like 140, my HR said 160-165. I just couldn't do anything about it.

It continued this way for HOURS. I considered stopping, but I couldn't do it. I needed this ride. I needed it to boost my confidence after all the disappointing runs. I just had S & Daniel (you know my torture trainer who doesn't work out all that often, but still rocks everything he does... ya him...) pull ahead and they waited for me to catch up every once in a while.

Of course I didn't pick an easy route either... It was tough....

Once we got to about 75 miles I knew I was good. The climbing was done and I could coast (draft) for several miles and let my HR get back into low zone 2. I had a nausea spell once we hit 4 hours. I took my last gel, and knew I wouldn't be able to stomach much more...

At about 4:30 I realized we were going to hit close to 90 miles. It gave me an adrenaline rush. So, that combined with my HR dropping on the down I was able to pull out in front and pull for the last 10ish miles home..

It felt like a victory. I toughed it out. I was miserable and my HR was 10 beats higher than normal, and I had to draft almost the entire ride. It was a head game. I have felt great on every single ride up until this point. I am usually out in front for my share of the time... I had to dig deep to get this ride done, but I did it!!!

I did however choose NOT to do the brick. I knew that I would be basically walking the :30 to keep my HR under 160. It was too warm and it had been elevated for too long so I just thought it best to finish my workout on a good note.

Today I started over. I started week #8 with some more confidence. Feeling a little better, but still struggling to get all my air, and still coughing a little.... Has anyone else had this bad flu/upper respiratory crap? HOW long did it take for you to get back to normal? For your HR to get back to normal???

I had a successful run. My HR was still high, and I was still fatigue from Sunday's ride, but I did it. I did 8.25miles. PAIN FREE!!!!!! I stopped and stretched every 10-20mins, and I think that helped.

After the run I headed for my 3rd A.R.T session with Dr. Sherman. He was pretty excited about my run, and once he started working on me, he said he could tell the Scar Tissue was already letting loose. I am still tight so I'm not in the clear, but the progress is very very good.

He also did a gait analysis and filmed my stride on the treadmill. He played it back to me and showed me that I actually look really good. A slight pronation, but it's in the realm of "normal." Absolutely nothing to be concerned about. He said he could tell that the 10min/mile was not an efficient pace for me. That I would be much more efficient at an 8min mile. HA.. if only my body and HR zones agreed with that ;-)

I am going to see him after my long run on Friday, and we will access from there. He said we can probably just do some check-ups as the training progresses, then as the race gets closer to some 'tune-ups' assuming I am still doing well.

I'm so thankful that this is working out... I was really really really scared!!!

On another note, I might be buying myself a present....I'm thinking about pimping Mini-Me out with some race wheels. I've heard they are a great investment and at the IM distance can save 1-2mph. A friend of a friend has a pair of HED 3's that she's selling. They only have a couple hundred miles on them, so I am going to try them out and see how they feel....

Mini-Me's gonna be "big pimpin" Whoot!

Here's the week 7 recap: About 15.5 hours including 1:20 of strength/core


momo said…
sh*t. week 7? are you SURE?

mini-me's getting new shoes. are they red???
Supalinds said…
oOoh, I want new race wheels.

Great week! Sorry about the crud and the heart rate, but you muscled through!!! Way to get er done.
Andra Sue said…
I had that URI/flu crud...not sure if it's the same one here in TX that you've got going around in AZ, but it took me a good month to feel back to normal. And even then, two more weeks of coughing up junk in the morning. One caveat is that mine did turn into a sinus infection about a week in.

I hope you feel better! And I can't believe you rocked 90 miles on the bike at less than 100%. Crazy girl!

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