Lucky (?) Number 2042

Here you have it - the CDA race numbers are finally here. I had no idea the impact.. Ok, I still really don't, but ironshane & momo were OBSESSED with these things. I'm surprised that between the two of their visits to the website to check for them, the entire thing didn't crash ;-)

So, as I'm still lying in bed I hear S coming down the hallway saying, "MY NEW FAVORITE NUMBER!!!!"

So, I ask... "What's mine?" He replies, "I don't know..."

But here you have it - the entire teams numbers, in order. Shane said it goes by Age Group, then Alphabetical, which makes sense. Look who has the smallest number in the group(girls), yup that's me. The baby of the team :-) Ok, well Shane doesn't count cause he's got the smallest cause he has a charity slot.
Shane - 176
Ric - 930
Troy - 948
Krista - 2042
Sara - 2155
Heather - 2245
Momo - 2290

Something to be said for the lowest & the highest #'s... Maybe ironshane & momo will be finishing together? Hmmmmmm......

So, the last couple of days have been pretty eventful.... Today, the race numbers.

Yesterday, momo & I tried out our wetsuits. They are effing FANTASTIC! The new Zoot Zenith fits like a glove, is comfortable as anything I can imagine wearing. And, besides the fact that it has PINK on it, it is FAST as heck.

Even though the pool was like 80degrees, and it was 100degrees outside, we still swam in them for a bit. Started with a 100 warmup.

Does a 1:27 sound like a 100 warmup? It is when you are wearing the new Zoot Zenith!

How about a 15:32 for 1000yards? Hmmm, there is something to be said for this thing...


Which brings me to my next point. My brilliant idea to make paying for this speedsuit less draining.

See, S & I were planning on going to NY for the marathon this fall. We tried the lottery last year, in hopes at least one of us would get in so we could carry our entrance into this year. Well, S got in, but I didn't. Unfortunately, I didn't get in this year either.

I had saved up enough Credit Card Points to buy us each 1st Class tickets for our journey. Well, now that I didn't get in, we decided to post pone it and try again next year. So...... I took some of the points saved up for the tickets & just credited the cash to my cards and WA-LA - it's like the wetsuit was FREE!

Anyone else like my rational? I think even S liked it. You should have heard his reaction when I told him that ONLY the MOST expensive suit in the entire shop fit me.

So - on to the next news breaking story from yesterday. As I mentioned above, I didn't get into NY. I really wanted NY to be my next marathon. It was the last marathon I did in 2003. It was pretty much the last time I could run. I was in pain the entire run. Well, Ok - from my 6-26.2 I was in pain.

I remember begging people for Advil. Tylenol was sponsoring the marathon so that's all they had. But, I had already taken Advil that am, so I decided it wasn't a good idea to mix it up. I remember dreaming of someone at the aid station have a big fat needle full of CORTISONE that I would almost trade my life for a shot of. Anything to take away the feeling of someone stabbing me with a knife right on the side of my knee, and THEN turning it in circles to make the pain even worse.

Is that descriptive enough.... Ugh, it almost makes my stomach turn thinking about that.

Now, despite all the pain, it was also the day that S proposed to me. He had it all planned out. He had 2 long sleeve shirts printed up that on the front read: "He asked... and all I got was this crummy T-Shirt." It had a picture of the ring on it. On the back it said - "The ring is at the Finish, Go KRISTA GO!

Pretty cute huh? Well, unfortunately although we were prepared for 40deg temps, NY had a fluke heatwave and race day was about 85degrees and 100 humidity. So, I wore the shirt tied around my waist.

And, yes... at the finish I got the ring :-)

Pretty cute story, huh? Now, you can see why I was wanting NY to be my next marathon....

BUT, all things happen for a reason, I suppose. I didn't get into NY. However... momo is doing the St. George Marathon, so I thought maybe I could do that as well. You know, I actually have a story about St. George too :-)

We had a group enter the lottery for St. George in 04. I was one of them. When it came down to trying to train for it. I was in too much pain. I could barely run at all. I gave up my entrance and had to still go on the trip. Watch everyone else run it. Everyone Pr'd.....

Have you ever been stuck in Utah, not able to do what you want and can't even DRINK your sorrows away? Well, I have - and let me tell you, I vowed to NEVER go back.

Well, look at me now. Yesterday, I got a charity entrance to St. George. I will be running and trying to raise money for
The Erin Kimbal Memorial Foundation.

I think my timing was perfect. There were only 3 spots left as of yesterday, and I got one of them. All I had to do was make a $200 donation, and then try to raise other funds throughout the training.

SO.... if anyone would like to help this cause, please send me an
email, and I will give you instructions.

So, there you have it, like I said - an eventful couple of days! Today is a rest day, and tomorrow we have a our long ride 3:30. I can't believe how incredibly close we are.....


aztriathlonguy said…
930 - that is my finish time prediction. 9hrs 30 minutes.....
I wish!

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