Ankle Update

Ok.... so, yesterday after the incident, I iced and iced and iced - then I went to the pool to try to swim. Cause, that's HOW I ROLL.... (my husband is shaking his head right now and rolling his eyes).
The swimming was fine, I got really good at doing one legged flip turns and pushing off with one leg after my surgery. But, when I would push off the wall the movement of the water irritated it. So after about 1500/5500yards, I called it quits. My swim coach assured me it just needed a little bit of rest & it wouldn't affect my training at all....

See, it's not that I'm worried about losing any fitness. It's just that I like to do my workouts. I am ready to taper, but I'm ready to taper on MY OWN TERMS, not cause my stupid body is hurt.

When you get hurt for 3+ years (yes, I am STILL dwelling on this....) it really messes with your head. It was probably the most frustrating time of my entire life. Everyone around me was doing what I wanted to be doing. It just wasn't fair.

Ok.... so a silly rolled, sprained whatever ankle isn't the same, but it brings back those bad memories of HAVING to rest even though I don't want to.......

So, I talked to Heather one of the girls in our training group. She is a podiatrist. She suggested I go get a brace. That with sprains they (I'm assuming Dr's) don't suggest being sedentary or not using it, but you just have to be careful as it is more susceptible to injury. So, I guess sometime today I will get out of my PJs and go buy a brace.
For now... I thought I'd share some lovely pics. Please don't mind the freckles on my legs. I guess that is what happens when you live in AZ.

Let me know what you think.....

Picture of both.....

side view of bad one.....

front view of good one....

front view of bad one....

So, after looking at these again I just put a call into my buddy, my PT Matt. I'm going to go see him tomorrow afternoon to see if he can do some of his magic and help the swelling. I also want him to work on the muscle tissue all around it and going up my shin. It's all tight and stiff from sitting on my U KNOW WHAT..... Then I'll have him tell me what kind of brace to buy...
Yes, this sounds like a plan. A smar one.
And no honey, I WON'T do my speed run tomorrow. But the kids are gonna hate me.... and I may need to sedate myself.... AND I AM going swimming, or else I'll end up by the poolside and drunk with Shelb tomorow!!!


Anonymous said…
I think you should just pop a few vicodin and suck it up... it'll make you tougher for the IM : ).
Benson said…
owee! good plan to get your PT involved and let 'er heal. meantime, enjoy swims, ice and elevate, knock back a few.

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