No Ragnar...

So, here I am sitting at home while my team, minus myself & momo, plus 8 others are out there running the Ragnar Relay as I type this...

It's a little bitter-sweet... With my ITB issues I knew I couldn't do the Ultra (only 6 people), and I thought there might be a chance I could do the 12 person team, but then I remembered last year. How my 3rd leg put me in tears because my ITB was hurting so bad.

So, I started just concentrating on getting better, and the team moved on.... Last night we all met up for dinner so everyone could meet. It was kinda a make-shift team and a lot of people didn't know each other, so it was a great idea. Momo called me on the way home to tell me she was 'bummin.' I was too, but deep down I knew it was the best thing for both of us. To get healthy and not risk further injury.

After last weekend's great week of running I got lazy. This week was really busy with work, and workouts, and well life. I got lazy with my rehab maintenence. I didn't roll on the foam roll. I didn't ice the past couple of days. I even mentioned to momo that I wasn't worried about my run today...but that that was probably a BAD sign.

Sure enough it was. My run actually started out FABULOUS. I took the dogs for the first look, a 4.9mile loop, including a decent hill. I felt fantastic. I got home in under 47mins, a 9:32 pace and 147 avg HR. YIPPEE... I did start to feel some twinges in my left ITB, and deep down knew I should probably just bag the second half of the run, but I'm stubborn. That is how I roll...

So, I headed out for the next portion, and sure enough it was PAINFUL. I pretty much walk/ran the rest of it. I ended up running fairly fast when I would actually run, but had a lot of walking as well. My overall run was 1:28, 9.0 miles.

As I sit here IM'ing with Shane about how his runners are doing... I'm sad, I'm jealous, I'm frustrated. I know that I made the right decision in NOT doing the race, but I just wonder if this ITB drama will EVER end....

So, besides having a little pity party for myself, I've also gotten back on track. I suppose the throbbing pain in my knee is helping that part... I have already been on the foam roller, iced twice and been stretching non stop. I also made an appt to have my massage girl work on my legs on Monday...

I have a big week next week trying to fit all the workouts in before we head off to Sonoma. I just hope that my leg holds up!

Tomorrow, or should I say in a few hours, Momo & I will be heading out to our volunteer shift for the Relay. We have to be out there, pretty much the middle of nowhere at 4:30am. We should get to see our runners come in at the end of our shift, so that will be cool! Again, bitter-sweet.

Well, that's all for now.... Happy Friday!


Kate said…
Shoot, that is frustrating. From the PT, ITBS is almost always from chroic overuse. Unfortunately, that is what training for an IM is... chronic overuse. Do the best you can at keeping the inflammation down, ice, foam roll, you know the drill. And you know as well as anyone that if you listen to your body you will be better off at the end of the day, even if you don't get all the miles in.

I will get off my therapy soap box now. You can totally do this. Hang in there!
Supalinds said…
That is a serious bummer. Sometimes you've got to sit some out to get to a better place. You made the right decision!!
Benson said…
I'm sorry to hear about this but you know you made the right choice. Heal up and take care.
Molly said…
I just spent 30 minutes (happily)reading your blog...I have swapped thoughts with mom for a while now. I love your hair too (from one red head to another). And your babies are SO cute...thought you might need a new Bissell vacume too (see my blog). I am glad to know that there is another Dog Momma out there!
Hope you get better...I am working slowly to test my knee out...I have a meniscus tare.
Take Care

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