Ok, I just have to first start off by saying how excited I am that this week turned around. Starting with an off/bonking Monday, followed by ITB flare up Tuesday..... I just wasn't sure how it was going to end... Well, I did was I was supposed to!! I iced, and rolled, and rested and iced, and iced, and rolled some more. And, I slowed my pace down to watch my form. It all worked, and my workouts got better as the week went by.

My neck even held up on a pretty tough & windy 3.5 hour bike ride today (the saddle area is a WHOLE other story, but that will just take some more getting used to... and more aquafor, but I'll leave it at that). Everything seemed to be out to get me this week, but somehow I fought it ALL off. Even a flat, and a spare tube with a hole in it, and a 2nd spare tube with a too short of valve..... anyway, it all worked out, and if you look at the cool chart below you will see that my workouts went pretty darn well for week 1.

In total (weight training not shown here) ~14 hours of training. Not so shabby. Plus, Sunday is my day off - HURRAY!

Lessons learned...

1. Check spare tubes when you haven't changed your tire since CDA IM - almost 8 months

2. Check calories better. When you haven't added carbo-pro/gatorade back in. That is a LOT of missing calories...oops.

3. Just because your HR has dropped, doesn't mean you can speed up and forget your new short stride form. And get lazy about foam rolling. And stop icing. OBVIOUSLY it must be party of your training regimen.

4. Don't freak out and think you can't do IM because week 1 started out crappy....

Can't wait to see what the next 19 weeks bring!

just double click on the chart for the details!


Spokane Al said…
I am glad to hear that you had a good week of training and are once again rolling.
Steve Stenzel said…
I had too many weeks of IM training - just do it smart! Good luck with your stupid ITB. I also have a stupid ITB.
Bigun said…
if you center your charts, (or photos) you can't click on them to blow them up. just a psa from the bigun. good week!
Supalinds said…
Awesome week. I'm glad it turned around!
Iron Eric said…
Thanks for the extra tips for Ironman! I will keep them in mind too! I seem to change tubs pretty frequently so I am always stocked and ready to go.
Benson said…
Now that's one of those breakthroughs or victories you should celebrate. Nice job.
brendaj said…
Thanks for the constant reminders to roll and ice. I started out super slow on running...only a 15 min jog and then hours of walking.
SWTrigal said…
From one of your fellow IMCDA-ers. welcome to IM training!

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