Wow, what a couple of weeks they were!

The weather was GORGEOUS.
The drinks were, well.... I'll let the pictures speak for that one.
The company couldn't have been better.
The exercise was, um...somewhat there. Does a 10mile round trip beach walk to a BAR count??
......I can now successfully run 30mins with NO IT pain!!!!
Shane & I drove down to Mexico on Thurday afternoon, we got the truck unloaded and had a drink.... or two... or, well WHO is counting?

We tried out our new Kayak....several times. On my birthday, Shane called our Dolphin friends over and we enjoyed quite the show just 10feet from our boat! It was AMAZING!!

Then, we headed out for birthday lunch, and drinks....

Christmas involved breakfast mimosas


and lots of presents for the kids....

Then Shane & I had a few MORE drinks.... This is our view from the upper deck

On the 28th our friends Carrie (superfan), her brother Chris & his wife Karen came to play!!

Chris got a leetle carried away on night 1. He was kung fu fighting with baxter...

I'm pretty sure Baxter won

and then, my most proud moment. I got to 'stick a fork in him.' You see about 10 years ago I got a little carried away with the drinks at his house and 'fell asleep.' He brought the fork out on me, and I've ALWAYS wanted to pay him back!

and the fun didn't end there. In fact, it was just getting started.... around NOON the next day.

and THAT turned into some of this....the WHITE BOY DANCING

and later... after I asked for my SHARED margarita to be made "STRONG".... I have no idea what my issue was with this tree..

Then REPEAT for a couple of more days...

Baxter found a new girlfriend

and a new boyfriend...

Stacey & Dave came for New Years.... We had a very ENTERTAINING dinner

and LOTS more dancing...

somehow, after all the dancing, we pulled it together for a picture with the owner of the Friendly Dolphin - where we ate.

and then there was the New Year's Day aftermath - which to be honest, did not slow us down all THAT much...

Our friends left on the 2nd, which left Shane, the kids & I to pick up the slack....

We held our own

even the dogs did their part...

And, at the end of the day tired as can be, we survived!!!

Of course there are a lot more pictures, and a lot more stories - but if I shared them all our friends might not be back for the May 08' reunion!!!


momo said…
i'm so glad you're back, i MISSED you! shane too!

oh, and that picture of shane doing tequila shots in his ironman shirt? classic!
My Life said…
Ohhh I love all the pictures! The one of Baxter (?) sitting on your friend's face is a riot... oh, they are sooo making me want to add an addition to our little family!

And yay for 30 mins with no IT pain! Fingers crossed for no more pain! (will you be at PFC this weekend?)
Kate said…
Sounds like you ALL had a great time. Pretty jealous up here in the figid midwest. Cute pictures of your babies as well.

Good luck with the ITB. I have a good feeling that you might be back painfree for good!
Bigun said…
alcohol shortage in America: Story at 11...

You obviously didn't drink the water....
Steve Stenzel said…
No IT pain is HUGE!!! (been there, done that)

And Baxter looks like he gets around! Lucky dog!!
Supalinds said…
Sounds like the perfect trip.

Drinking and friends, and more drinking, my kind of trip!!

And hell yes on the IT band!!! That is exciting.
brendaj said…
What a fun vacation! I love the napping picture.

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