catching up...

So, today is the day.. My "new look" will hopefully happen! I'm been searching thru all the trashing magazines for the new Ashlee look, with no luck. I think that picture below came out right after lasts weeks issues, so the new ones are out today, and I will be hitting the stores before my appt tonight in search of that picture! Yes, I know far too much about the gossip magazine world, but hey... to each their own, right?

The last week has been about more building with my mileage. I'm pretty happy with my progress thus far, considering my ZERO running for 4 weeks in December to let my IT band heal, and just barely building up on the bike again.

I was able to run 4 times last week, M, W, F & Sunday... with two :45mins. I finally got my NEW SHOES, and although they are quite a bit different the relief in my knees has been heaven. My old shoes were so worn, especially on my right foot, that the inside toe was basically worn to the sole - no thick rubbery material left. I really hope these shoes work out for me & help with some of my IT problems! In 2 weeks, my long run on my "official" IM schedule is a 1:10 - I think I will be able to do it. The following week is 90mins though - that might be pushing it. I will just see how my body feels, and adjust...

The bike.. well, I finally felt pretty comfortable last weekend. S & I rode for 2.5hours. I had raised my bars up a tad to make it less aggressive until my neck gets used to being aero again. It seemed to help... Well, that and I saw my chiropractor on Wed for a treatment... My HR is slowly dropping to my usual very low rate on the bike - where I struggle to get to zone 2. That is, until I climb a freaking hill. Who would of thought your HR could jump 20beats on a short climb.... Hmmm, I am PRETTY sure this is paypack for all those ALCOHOL calories - extra lbs I collected after Rocky Point.

The swim is going fine. I'm far enough along in distance to be above where my MAO schedule will start. I have to say tho - when I miss masters it is really hard to be motivated to swim on my own at 24hour. Something about 1. being outside 2. being with so many others swimming the same workout, especially when a certain someone is in the lane with me! Although, sometimes she starts out pretty speedy, which in turn sets the pace for the rest of the workout... so much for ZONE 2 :-)

My strength training sessions are going really well with Daniel. I can feel it in my hips, less pain, less fatigue when I'm running. Hopefully another month & the difference will be even more striking...

Monday we had our wonderful Kyla over for deep tissues massages. That poor girl. She spent almost 2 hours on me. When she was digging into my left shoulder blade (left portion of my neck had been bothering me all week - no mobility), I nearly lost it. I started seeing stars and feeling like I was going to pass out. Just as I had almost had enough, she lifted up the tension so I could take a breather. After I was done, she did Shane's massage. He asked how he felt, and her response was "you gotta remember I just did Krista..." Guess that says it all. Bless her heart though. She worked her ass off for over 3:30 hours on us. And, although my legs were a little sore on Tuesday, my neck and shoulders felt FANTASTIC. I had full range of motion in my neck for the first time in several weeks....

Next, up.....I had my 4th Epidural Injection on Tuesday. For some reason I felt this one during the process a little bit more. I was sedated with a mild something or other, but I could actually feel him putting the needle in. I must have flinched, because he immediately stopped and then applied more of the numbing medication. The rest of the afternoon I was pretty sore, and stiff... I woke up Wed with some stiffness, and not having full rotation of my neck, but all in all pretty good. Later in the afternoon the steroid induced ADD, hyperness, flush face, restless started to creek in, and all I thought was - here we go again! I'm hoping the side effects are a lot less dramatic, as there will only be 1 injection this time.

Seems like the no - sleep has kicked in as well. I did get a script for a sleeping aid, which I took last night. I fell asleep at about 10:30, but was WIDE-EYED at 4am. I tried desperately to fall back asleep, but no luck.. I finally got up and came into my office.

So - we'll see how the rest of the week goes! Hopefully this injection was the last kicker to get me past this pain & help me thru my training. Things are starting to look up.. I'm feeling a lot better about CDA than I was a couple of weeks ago :-)

Thanks for all of your wonderful coments and support!!!!!


Benson said…
Looks like you're getting on track. Nice job.
It'll just get better.
My Life said…
Yay for pretty new shoes! (did you get them with the green?).

What are you taking for sleep? With all you're exercise I am soooo surprised you just don't crash for 14 hours! ;)

Everything sounds like it's starting out well for you!
Carrie said…
Can't wait to see the new look. Post immediately!
momo said…
we both caught up today - it must be in the air!

you're making me want to go get a new 'do too. i'm all jealous and stuff! :-)
brendaj said…
I confess...I got the Katie Holmes bob haircut!
Spokane Al said…
". . . the inside toe was basically worn to the sole - no thick rubbery material left . . ."????

Lady, remember - take care of the equipment! I have a reminder in MS Outlook and every three months replace the shoes - that usually equates to about 400 - 450 miles.

Glad to hear you are back on track towards IM CDA.

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