
There's a first time for everything, right? I've spouted off a couple of casual goals here and there, but I've decided to do something new. Lay out there, spell it out. Put it all on the line.

No details on where I came up with the numbers, nothing like that. I've trained differently this time. I'm not as confident as I was before my last half IM, but what do I have to loose? I've had a GREAT racing year, so why not just go for it. My girl supa said something like, "It's just pain, it's only temporary & it only hurts for a little bit." She's my racing idol. She's suparace girl.

And, Momo did it. She worked her ass off, laid the goals out and blew them out of the park.

Whatever happens tomorrow, I've had so much fun this year. Not following a coach, but making it up as I go - trying to take my experience and knowledge of what my body can do - and do it. It's my first long distance race where my IT band is GOOD. Not just good, GREAT. Let's hope it all comes together this time. I think the hardest part will not be having all of my normal support crew there. I have the best local support ever tho, the Hochs!

So, without further adue - here all my goals. Oh, and the FASTER set - I thought it would be fun to say what I think Shane will do. He's smoking me on the bike and the FLIPPING open water right now. So, for once, I'm not even going to say my goal is to beat him out of the water, cause I
don't think that's gonna happen..... Oh well :-) It's his turn for a good race! Sub 5 baby.


Spokane Al said…
Good luck on Sunday and leave some of the finish line food for me!

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