
The never ending remodel.... We are so freaking close I can't stand it! The very last TWO steps we are waiting for - the shower tile to be sealed and the glass/mirror to be installed. I was under the impression those were happening today. We'll see.... I'm sure we're looking at Monday now....

I'm now working on the guys to start demo on the spare bathroom as soon as we can shower in ours. I think they wanted to wait a week because they have started other jobs, but enough is enough.. I want the damn stuff done! We trust our contractor enough to allow him to work on the house while we are in Mexico next weekend. We're heading down with the Angelones to celebrate Shane's birthday. It's kinda a big one..... Who better to celebrate it with! Shane & Momo can bond. She too has a big one coming up soon!

Training is going well. Although I was sick last week and missed about half of my workouts (or more)... I got right back into the swing of things this week. "Daniella-bella" about killed me during a leg session on Tuesday. I had to do 4 x 60 lunges. 10 each leg forward, side to side and each leg backwards. I'm still sore. I had to postpone my speed run,which I was actually looking forward to another day, which kinda threw the rest of my week off. With the old' IT band, I don't run 2 days in a row (except sometimes with a brick), so running Thursday meant a long run Saturday, and long ride Sunday....

Momo is doing an Oly' triathlon and my other buddies are busy or into marathon training so it looks like I will be on my own this weekend. Hopefully my legs aren't too toast from the rest of the workouts and I can still hold a good pace. I've been keeping all my avg's around 17.8-18.2. It's harder with the stoplights so I'm going to try to find a good route!

While I'm enjoying the speed runs, I find the speed bikes harder to pull off. This morning I had a speed bike with 2 x (3x 1:00, 1 x 9:00). My legs just didn't want to move.... Especially all out for 9minutes.. I'm wondering if maybe I should put the speed bike on Tuesdays vs Thursdays (this week Friday) so my legs are more fresh?? I have to admit, this is my workout that is usually the first to be skipped, or just used as a normal ride, but since I'm trying to have a pretty good bike split in my upcoming race, I'm making myself do these intervals... Let's hope they work!!

I'm pretty sure the speed runs are working. I looked back through my 400 paces during Ironman training. They were like a 7:45 pace. My last workout I avg'd a 6:40 pace (1:40) for 8x400. Now, if only I could actually run ONE solid mile at that pace!!! Ha.... I have never ever ever had a good run split in a triathlon, so hopefully this one can be a little more successful. Back when I was much faster, before all the years of IT band struggle I didn't do triathlons...so all of my races are post IT band injuries. Someday I'll get past it, but for now, my run training and times are usually to just get by.... Frustrating! I have all the desire and will to put in the work and the intensity, but my body just never seems to cooperate enough to get it to the next level....

And, on to the next...

Shane & I watched the season premiere of The Biggest Loser. We have actually never watched this show before... OMG... I had chills and teary eyes almost the entire time. The reality of how unhealthy those people are was shocking, even to myself whom I consider a pretty healthy gal. Honestly, all I could think about was my mom. She is not healthy, she is over-weight & has horrible eating/sleeping habits. To make matters worse she has been a smoker, and I mean 2-3 packs a day smoker since she was a teenager. Ironically (or maybe not so) she is a nurse. Yah, go figure....

When they were doing the Real Age factor, and aging some of the younger people up by 20+years, and then they moved on to the cop..... I could seriously only imagine what my mom's age would be. It was so scary... I thought, I think she watches this show. How on EARTH could she watch it and not think of how incredibly sick SHE is.... Denial is a powerful thing I suppose. I've tried for years and years to get her to change, but excuse after excuse - I've come to learn you have to want that change in order to make it happen.

I have to admit watching that show not only scared the shit out of me for my parent's sake, but it also made me feel pretty darn good about the changes I have made in my life over the last 10 years....

10 years ago is when I started casually running. I was a big party girl, I ate like crap and weighed 20lbs more. Yah, 20lbs on a 5'3" girl not so cute... Now don't get me wrong, I still eat some bad things, and drink prolly more than I should.... but, I have a pretty good balance of it all... I know the patterns and way that my family lives and I am just so thankful that I made the choice to not live that way... to take care of myself and live a different lifestyle....

I'm very excited to watch and follow the stories of the cast members. I can only hope that they will inspire some people out there to do the same.

Last, but not least... it is finally cooling down a bit in Arizona. Yah, it's still topping off at 100degs, but the humidity is going away and the mornings are at least in the high 70's and low 80s.... I can't wait for October, it's one of my favorite months here!


Carrie said…
my family has a biggest loser challenge and we keep a private family blog to track and motivate each "team". We figured out a point system so my brother and I can stay in the running because we don't have many pounds to drop. You can earn points for a 2hr workout or 2 45min workouts in one day. Triathlons, 50-100mile bike rides, and running events earn bonus points. My brother and sister-in-law have especially lost a lot of weight with weight watchers as their (not so)secret weapon. It has brought our family closer together and the razzing is always fun!
:) said…
I am addicted to biggest loser...I have watched every season. It always makes me so proud of the contestants at the end of the show.

Our weather has gotten really nice these days too!! Yay fall!

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