My new look!

Well, here it is! I've been planning it for a while..but it is finally here! It's red, it's pretty and it has pieces of all my favorite things. Shane & I... Training, My dogs, Wine and of course.... SHOES!!!!

And yes, I finally removed the "I am a 29year old" now that I'm WAY far into my 30th year :-) I also changed the title to "Iron Krista." I know, generic, but I didn't realized I would actually meet and become friends with so many bloggers, and you know.. "Tri-dog mom" just sounds DUMB in person :-) So, with it being called "Iron Krista" I figure at least people will know my name....

You can thank Carly, the same infamous blogger remodel guru that beautified Supalinds blog! She did such and amazing job, and just went with my pictures idea. I really wasn't all that much help, either!

Up next, I PROMISE remodel pics... Shane finally uploaded them for me.. but the job is almost done so I kinda wanna post before/after pics!


momo said…
i like it - its pretty! too red for me, but still pretty nonetheless.

and iron krista? nope, cannot do it. i'll forever call you the dogmom!
Spokane Al said…
Very cool! I guess we can't be 29 forever and that goes with being tri-dog mom as well.

Go Cougs!
Bigun said…
very cool....bigun likey!
Erin said…
Love it love it love it. And love the collage of all your favorite they're pretty much mine, too. :)
Supalinds said…
It's beautiful!!! I love the header - great pics! She did good once again.
:) said…
Looks amazing! I like dogmom too... :)
Carrie said…
I love your new remodel! And I can only hear Momo refer to you as "Krista, the dog mom". "Krista, the Iron" doesn't quite sound right but I hope IronKrista sticks!
Anonymous said…

this is awesome! I love the colors and all the photo circles...very very nice....

- Toni
Anonymous said…
So I love your new look and your new name. I have, however, ALWAYS thought of you as "Iron Krista!" :)

Paul said…
Looking good! Nice update.
M said…
I LOVE the new look - my favorite is the little circles that go around the page - and red is my favorite color!! IT's great!
Kate said…
I adore the new look. Love the red!!!
Di said…
LOVE IT!!! I never thought Tri Dog Mom was dumb. Never. Ever. I liked it...I like Iron Krista too but, TriDog Mom, sweet.

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