10 more days

I have officially reached the before questioned taper. It is Thursday and I am on my second full rest day since Monday.... and I am still in my PJs thank you very much.

You would think I would have accomplished all sorts of things with all my spare time... And, well if you consider constant IM'ing with her... and her about what we are going to wear and what we are going to drink after we are crowed the winners of IM CDA, well than yah.. I've accomplished A.LOT.

I mean, I have in fact FINALLY narrowed down what I'm going to be wearing on the run to only 2 options. Trust me, this is a big accomplishment.

And I must share what my sweet, endearing husband said when I reiterated how important it was to have the PERFECT outfit...
"and you wonder why I always race better than you."

Yup... that is what he said. No joke. He might kick my ass, but people... I will be full on color coordinated and comfortable, that is for sure.

What else has been going on? Well, I feel pretty darn good that is for sure. I'm much more rested this year than last year. Last year I was sleepy and didn't want to do anything. This year.. I'm just feeling kinda normal.

Yesterday I did have a little scare. Well, actually it started on Monday when I woke up and my right shoulder and neck was all sore and my arm was going numb to my fingertips. Which started to scare the shit out me since this was the EXACT same time I started having neck problems last year, which led to a very uncomfortable swim and bike time at CDA last year... which then led to 6 months of no swimming and steroids and a very very fat face!!!

So anyway, I sorta had a freakout and went to my wonderful ART guy where he did some work on me and helped release some of the nerves that were being pinched. I'm still somewhat uncomfortable, but it's much much better..

Now if we could all just find a bubble to stay in for the next 2 weeks. Let me tell ya.. seeing this first hand about made me pee my pants in fear. have you every seen one of your bestest girls in the world's head literally bounce off the ground? Yah, kinda scary....

She's tough though... she's already back in the saddle.

For now, I'm just taking everything day by day. Doing my schedule and trying not to eat everything in my house. Which, trust me has been hard. Why is it that I'm more hungry now that I'm not exercising as much?

Tomorrow is our last big workout... 3:30 bike, 40min low HR run & 2000m swim..... And then we take our bikes to the Tri-Bike Transport drop off. Which, if you haven't used them is like the best service ever invented. No dealing with taking apart the bike, or putting it back together...
And the very very best thing. After the race you just hand them your bike. Which after that long day is like a little slice of heaven...

Well, now I'm off.. to possibly get out of my pjs.... I gotta get my bag packed to go with my bike, so then maybe all of this will seem more REAL. Jeez. I'll prolly start freaking out when I actually pull the bag out...

I can't wait to meet and hang out with all of you! It's going to be so much fun :-)

Oh yah.. and my race # is 1857. I can't figure out anything cool about that number though....


:) said…
Yay for the Taper! Get all rested up...can't wait to follow you online. :)
momo said…
i already told you. 1+8+5+7 = 21. 21 is 12 reversed. 18+57 = 75 and 75 = 12. you're gonna finish in 12 hours! ;-) you can thank me later.
momo said…
wait, that last part is wrong, i mean 7+5 = 12. you know what i mean. geez.
SWTrigal said…
I can't for the life of me figure out why we have this long training day so close to IMCDA. I am close to bagging part of it!
Supalinds said…
First - Momo had me scratching my head with numbers floating around me as I read that last equation, but now I get it - and I like her logic. 12 hours...yipee.

Second, um you got A.LOT done yesterday. While Shane may clock a better time - you my dear will look better in picutres, and those last a lifetime!

I am sad to hear about your shoulder and neck pain - you never mentioned it. Hello - I can help heal, how you ask? By sending all my positive thoughts your way - oh and bringing a lovely bottle of wine to share!

At this point one of your bags are packed - wahoo!! That excites me.
rr said…
1857 sounds like a lucky number to me! :) Have a great race and be safe during the taper..
Kim said…
i'll be cheering you on from this side of the computer! :) enjoy the taper my dear!
Kate said…
Ooo, I am gonna be cheering so loud at my computer that you may just be able to hear. I will send healthy thoughts your way for the next week. I am sure all will be wonderful!

GO 1857!!
Bigun said…
in 1857 we fought those pesky mormans in the Utah War - oh yea, -who knew Utah was such a bloody, revolutionary state?


if you ask me, they had it coming...

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