Week in Numbers

Well, apparently I have nothing else exciting to talk about than training this week. I suppose in some ways that is a good thing, i.e. my body has cooperated and I have been able to do ALL MY TRAINING. Whoot!

It was a pretty big week. I did have my first 3:00 run scheduled, but will my IT band on the fritz, I decided it was too much to build from only 1 2:30min run a couple weeks ago to 2:30. Also, during my run Monday I tightened up and cut an 1:45 short to 1:20 to avoid the pain.

After a massage on Monday Kylah said the IT band loosened up better than it ever has, so I was excited about that. I decided to go for 2:30 on Wed (vs 3hr) and felt pretty good so I added a bit at the end to get in 16miles.

We (momo, ironshane) and I had a pretty darn good ride yesterday. Shane & I had 5:45 and Momo had 5hrs so S & I headed up to her place to add the extra mileage. Let me tell you, we were slow as all get out to get there. It usually takes us about 35mins to get to her gate and ugh, this time it was close to 40mins, avg a mere 14.5mph.

Fortunately we were bookin the rest of the way and brought the overall avg back up to 18mph (18.4 for the 5hrs with momo) bringing us to a daily total of 104miles. Jeez that is a long ass time on the bike. Literally....

Surprisingly I felt really good afterwards. I was starving, and craving SALT and BEER. I cured both cravings and S & I were in bed by 8:45. We are quite the exciting couple you know...

Today is my rest day, and while my muscles are tight I actually feel great! Looking forward to this week's training as we only have a moderate (slow easy) ride of 3:30 and a mod run of (1:30) cause we are headed to MEXICO! We'll participate in the 10k on Saturday then let our bodes recoup for a couple of days before heading home to the last 4 weeks of heaving building/peaking before the TAPER!

I promise after next week I'll have some more exciting posts & pictures to share after Mexico :-)

Here are the numbers: ~20.5hrs including a couple hours of strength (actually made it for Daniel torture both days this week)


Bolder said…
good lord you work out like a machine!

IT Band -- do you use a foam roller?
Spokane Al said…
104 miles averaging 18 mph - you absolutely rock on the bike.
Di said…
that is a good bike!!
My Life said…
Woooow... that is some week!! Go you! ;)
Supalinds said…
Holy hell, will wait with a beer at the finish line for me?

Awesome week!! You are kicking some serious ass and should be proud of yourself!!

Your IT band is keeping up with those long runs, that is great!!!
brendaj said…
What a great week. Every time I see your blog entries, I'm reminded that I should get a sports massage!
Steve Stenzel said…
WOW!! Heck of a week!!!
Judi said…
You are rockin' on the bike. Makes me feel like getting out for a ride - just have to get this marathon out of the way.
Tea said…
wow---you are amazing on the bike!

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