MS 150 Race Report.

I met Sharon in 2001 while training for my first marathon. We were part of a group raising money for UCP, and while we actually worked for the same company at the time, we did not actually "meet" until the training started.
Through the years Sharon & I have remained close friends, and while we definitely do not see each other as much as we should, we always seem to catch up. She is an absolute hoot. If you met her you would understand what I'm saying. She's real, down to earth and just a good-hearted person. She also just happens to be from Spokane, just like me. It's great to laugh about some of the places, people and things from back home... Like, you know how it's STILL snowing there, and we are "chilled" in the mornings hear when it is 60degrees out. Yah, it doesn't take long to acclimate to Arizona.

I have the utmost respect for Sharon. She's several years older than me, in fact just a few years younger than my mom. In age, that is. However, you would absolutely in a million years NEVER know it. She's got a smoking body, healthy as can be, and she's out there doing all of the things that MY MOM thinks I'm nuts for doing. She is one of the best examples I've seen first hand on how being active and healthy really does keep you young. She truly is an inspiration to me.
(she's the one on the far left)

Last weekend Sharon did another fundraiser. She rode in the MS 150 bike ride, while once again raising money for a charity. She was gracious enough to write a race report for us. Please go HERE to read the report.


Comm's said…
Okay, first, all three of you posing with left heel up, Hi-larious. Totally cheesy.

Second, Sharon looks like she's not even out of college. Non of you do.
Spokane Al said…
She sounds like a very nice lady.

P.S. Give us Spokanites a break. It has not snowed up here since Saturday! And we are cautiously optimistic that that was our last snow fall for the year.
Paul said…
Pretty inspirational!
Supalinds said…
Thanks for the story!!! Love the pic!
brendaj said…
Cute picture. Looks like a fun group of girls to ride or train with!!
P.O.M. said…
I think the pic is adorable. I just got one of those skirts in RED!
SWTrigal said…
Awesome picture..See you can keep tri-ing for years and years to come! I can vouch for that too.
Molly said…
Glad to see women that will inspire me to keep it up!
I ordered the headband!!!
Take Care

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