
I have not left the house since Monday morning. I know, crazy. It's not that I haven't been doing anything, I've actually been working quite a bit, with momo & the clan out being all "LA" and such (see her future posts for updates). Thing is, I seriously haven't left my house. I haven't driven my car, or run to the store, or run ANYWHERE as a matter of fact. Or biked, or swam..... I've just, well... rested.

I think it was time for a Krista burnout. As you read here in my blog, I'm not good at doing nuthing! I always need to be on the go.... and I don't like to take "time off." I didn't over train for this marathon, I rested when I needed to, and took time off when my body called for it.

I think it was a combination of playing in Mexico the week before the race, combined with a severe lack of sleep the entire week leading up to St. George that put me in my current state. Recovering from the marathon, recovering from the epidural injection, and catching momo's cold....

I did sleep the night before the race, but it was an Ambien induced sleep... I was so worried about being too tired, I actually drugged myself in St. George! And, apparently it worked. Thing is though - after waking up at 2:30am (AZ & Vegas time) to get to the bus loading and race start on time... then staying awake in Vegas until about 12:15 - almost 24hours of being awake (and early for VEGAS!) I was D.O.N.E.

Top it off with a morning Mimosa, split bottle of afternoon wine... and not getting home until 11pm on Sunday night, I was in complete meltdown stage.

I was up by 5:45 Monday morning to drop Baxter off at the vet for her surgeries (HE IS A-OK, Cyst was benign & he has pretty white sparkling teeth now!!), and then on my way to the Dr's office for my 1st of 3 Epidural injections into my C-Spine.

I'm sure I was quite a sight. Still dehydrated from the race, and sore as all get out. They started me with a saline IV (aghh, if I could only have that after EVERY race), then brought me into the procedure room about 20mins later. I was shaking, I was so cold and uncomfortable, I couldn't stop. They also had to give me a step stool to get up on the table becaue my legs were so sore! They do the injections under an X-Ray machine so they can place the epidurals into the perfect spot in the spine.

Once on the table they gave me a nice little "cocktail,", if you will. A mix of Morphine & some sort of sedative. Instantly I felt relaxed and the shaking stopped. I could still feel the injection, or the passing of the cortisone into my system, but just a slight pressure and no pain. SO worth the IV. Which, I was a little gun shy when several other patients weren't taking them....

After the procedure was finished, I had to "recover" for about 30mins. The PA was pretty surprised when she saw I had gone through the entire IV bag. I guess my body needed the fluids :-)

Shane dropped me off at home, where I have not left since! I've at least showered each day, and changed my cloths (er... pajamas).

The first 2 days were rather uncomfortable. Similar to other cortisone injections I've had. Once the numbing medication wears off, my body doesn't react as nicely as it's supposed to. They only way I can describe it is a constant throb, or pressure where the medicine is sitting. With the injections in my hip (bursitis), it felt like I had a brick on the side of my butt. Heavy, hard an uncomfortable. With the knee, the medicine moved down all the way to my calf and THROBBED. That was probably the worst.

With my C-spine, it was just the pressure. From my neck straight down my spine to about mid back The first day I didn't' have much mobility at all, couldn't turn my head from side to side. Each day it got a little better, with the last of the stiffness when I tried to put my chin to my chest. OUCH! Today, I'm happy to report I have FULL mobility, and no stiffness.

As for the results... They say it can take up to 10days for the medicine to work at it's peak. My neck is not in pain, and my arms aren't hurting either. I wouldn't' say I'm "healed," but I do think it has done something. I think after the next round it will have a much bigger impact. Let's hope anyway...

So, here I am 5 days later... still inside my house. In my pajamas. My cold is on it's way out...My neck feels "better," and I'm for sure rested and recovered from the marathon.

I thought about going for a nice 30min run. Or even trying to swim. Still, I can't seem to put the thoughts to actions. It's still early, 7:45... and AZ has finally cooled down so the run isn't totally out the door. As for the swim, I'm a little worried about it possibly hurting and being disappointed so I may wait until the next round of injections. You know, fall off the horse... scared to get back on. It's been 3 months since I have been in the pool.....

So, long story short.. this is where I have been...and what I have been up to. Hopefully, next week I'll be full of action packed posting :-)


Paul said…
Good luck with the recovery hopefully you will be back in action soon!
Di said…
sounds as though your body put it'd proverbial foot down and said "enough" glad you listened. Have a great weekend and keep me posted on those shots.
brendaj said…
Sounds like a smart self-imposed rest! I always enjoy the days I decide to relax and not go out.
Benson said…
All right, that sounds pretty good. Healing and home time sounds like it worked for you and you must have needed it.

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