Little of this... little of that...

I can't believe it's been almost a week since I have posted. I guess while "in training" I had a lot more to say. Or, writing was a way of expressing all of the thoughts accumulated during 20+ hours of training per week... I'm not exactly exercising that much right now :-)

So, here's my ramblings of the past week, in no particular order....

After the race I was extremely sore. Sore like, marathon type sore. Like hurts to sit down, then try to get back up. Add that on to my shoulder issues I've been having, and I was one roughed up girl. I even paid a visit to my buddy/PT Matt to try to help me out. I woke up Monday, basically unable to use my right arm. And, that WAS my good arm. Something happened on the road trip home from San Diego that completely locked up my right side. I'm not sure it was my best idea to go see Matt when I was so flared up, but I was feeling desperate. Unfortunately there wasn't a lot he could do to ease the pain, but he is pretty convinced my pain is not a swimming/shoulder issue. He thinks it's coming from my back/neck.

So... a couple of days later. Several icing sessions, and foam roll uses and paying a LOT of attention to my posture while at my desk.... My right arm was much better. Unfortunately, I can't seem to figure out what is going on and get it to a point where I can get back in the pool!

I met my friend Sara for lunch on Thursday. She's a nurse practitioner and pretty much knows a little bit about everything. She asked me if I was willing to see a chiropractor. They recently brought one into their office and she said he is amazing. Works mostly on athletes, and has helped a lot of her patients. For some reason in the past I've been scared to see a chiro. I guess I have just always gone to a physical therapist for my back and other issues, and the thought of someone cracking away at my body parts kinda freaked me out. However, I'm starting to feel desperate and really eager to find out what the heck is going on with me.. I'm hoping to get in with the Dr. next week

Next week momo & I are heading to Toronto for some work training and meetings. It's a lot of travel for just a couple of days, but traveling for our work isn't so bad. Since we work for a top notch luxury hotel chain we get to stay in the best accommodations I've ever experienced, eat great food and do some training runs somewhere different! I checked and it looks like Thursday & Friday am lows are like 58. It's going to feel like heaven....

I do however, hope that my travel experience goes a little bit better than S's. Poor guy went on a last minute trip to New Hampshire to surprise his Grandma for her 80th birthday party. He had a connecting flight (Thursday) in Chicago... and well, I'm sure you all know about the conditions in that part of the world are. I'll let him fill ya in on the haps, and mishaps of the adventure, but lets just say he didn't exactly make it to NH on Thursday. I think he also might have a better appreciation for traveling with me and all my "stuff" that I must have at all times (Purel, handy wipes, snacks, Airborne, etc....)

Saturday morning momo & I planned a long run that would be a good training route for St. George. I picked her up at about 5am and we drove a ways to park my car. The route would give us just over 15miles of gradual downhill. We could not have picked a better day to do this run. It was stormy further in town, but we just had cool temps (79degs!), cloud cover and a nice breeze. It was a really good run for both of us. ~15.5miles, under a 10min pace, and my HR avg was only 146! I far cry from my experience in San Diego last weekend... My legs were STILL sore from last Sunday, but overall it was a great training run. Also, very nice to have some company. I can't believe this is the first time we've run together since Ironman!

Next week I will have my first 20miler. I'm not sure I'm going to have any company, so I guess it will be a tough mental training day.

Yesterday I got pretty spoiled! We had planned a girls get together to celebrate Sara's birthday. Momo called me shortly before I was going to head down to meet everyone... Her & Big J had been out and about all afternoon and she asked if I could be her chauffeur since she had had a few drinks already. I wasn't sure how long everyone would want to be at the wine bar, but I figured it wouldn't be a late night with a couple of the girls doing their bike rides in the am, and I would only be able to have a little to drink and still drive home. Shane is usually my chauffeur :-)

So, she said big J would make us dinner or take us out after we got back. Well, that was kind of an offer I couldn't refuse. Big J is a great cook and he always chooses great restaurants, so either way I was going to be eating well! We hung out with the girls for about 2.5 hours, and although I could have stayed and gabbed forever, it was getting late for dinner so Momo and I were the first to take off. The other girls were going to hang out for a while to make sure they were ok to drive home. We met Big J at an Italian restaurant I had never been to. It's always so fun to try new places!

He was patiently waiting for us (we were late, of course) with a bottle of wine already picked out. It was a fun night, sharing stories, FABULOUS wine, food.. and Big J even got me to adventure out of my shell a little bit.


Maybe it was the wine, maybe it was knowing we were at a really good restaurant.... or the fact it was cooked and sitting in garlic butter... Maybe it was PEER PRESSURE. I don't know, but I did it. Big J says the look on my face was pretty funny, but he should be proud of himself AND me for doing it! I am, you know, the world's pickiest eater. I'm not sure it's something I'd do again.. Not because it tasted bad or anything, BUT it's a SNAIL for Pete's sake.... That's about all I'm going to say about that!

Best part was Momo finally 'came out' so I didn't have to worry about slipping up and talking about CDA. Good thing Big J never asked me... no way I could of lied! I think he might ask directly from now on though... Honestly, I think he knew all along....

So, it was a pretty great weekend, ending with a special treat dinner!! I'm very lucky to have such good friends surrounding me. Made it a lot easier to be without my man for the weekend.s gone... Now I just wish he would call me so I could tell him all about my big adventure! I'm looking forward to him getting home. This house is awfully quiet without him, and the dogs are beginning to take over his side of the bed! It should be an interesting night.... I wonder who will win?


Carrie said…
If anyone can get you out of a shell it's Big J! Way to be adventurous!
momo said…
dinner was GREAT and it was the perfect way to end "long run day"! and that's all i'm going to say about that. :-)
ironshane said…
Man. I had to fight for years to get you to even try sushi. Escargot!!! Go Big J! I'm sure the yummy wine he likes to give everyone had NOTHING to do with it...
Di said…
Sounds like a really nice way to spend an evening, good company, good food. Yumm.

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