A little bit about ME

Well, this is kinda cool. Rather than try to gather my 8000 different thoughts into a potentially book sized post, I get to just fill in the blanks to answer some questions. Pretty easy and fun I think.

Tagged by Andra Sue...

Jobs I’ve Held
Retail - Sears, Bath & Body Works
Customer Service Agent - Pitney Bowes
B&B Works
Student Rec Center, gym
post college - trying to grow up
Accountant - Convenience Store Chain
Category Analyst - Convenience Store Chain
Category Analyst - Pet Supplies Company
Competitive Intelligence Analyst - Pet Supplies Company
Underwriter - PBM
Marketing database Consultant - Luxury Hotel

Movies I Can Watch Over & Over
there are only a few. I don't like to re-watch very many...

Clerks & Clerks II
Chasing Amy... Ok, anything Kevin Smith
Garden State

My Guilty Pleasures

Red Wine
Rice Krispy Treats
Coach Purses
Saki Bombers
Massages, although I don't know if this really should go here as I feel they are NECESSARY
Running Apparel - right now I'm in love with Nike's newer style of Tempo Track shorts. They fit so much better than the old ones.
Sunbathing... I know, I know...

Places I Have Lived (in order)

Spokane, WA (born & raised)
Pullman, WA (school)
Lake Stevens, WA/Seattle (summer internship)
Chandler, AZ
Scottsdale, AZ

Shows I Enjoy
this is bad people. I like BAD TV

ER - I have been watching this FOREVER
Desperate Housewives
American Idol
How I met your mother
Lost (well, just starting season 2 on DVD)
Dr. 90210
The Real World
Anything "E-True Hollywood Story"
I'd have to go look at the Tivo for the rest...

Places I Have Been on Vacation

Camping was vacation as a kid
New York
Sonoma, Ca
Puerto Penasco, Mexico (Rocky Point)

Favorite Foods
Berries, particularly Raspberries
French Fries
Anything Peanut Butter and chocolate
Potato Chips

Websites I Visit Daily

Lots of blogs

Awards You’ve Won
Ok, so I am not really sure how I got this one, or how I even just remembered. I think my mother must of had something to do with it, because I have absolutely NO artistic abilities whatsoever.

2nd place city wide M.A.D.D (Mother's Against Drunk Driving) poster contest
1st place State wide " "" "" ""
I think a bunch of nerdy academic awards when I was younger, but I honestly can't remember any of them!

There are only a few so I can remember! In order:
2nd place F20-24 South Mountain 20K
2nd place F20-24 Rocky Point 10K
2nd place F20-24 Greyhawk 10K (My PR!)
2nd place F25-29 Rage in the Sage Olympic Distance Triathlon

sure was a lot easier in the 20-24 age group!

Nicknames You’ve Been Called
I don't think I have any???

Now, I guess I get to tag 5 more people:

Shane because he doesn't post enough
because I think boys should do this too.
Nytro - because I can't get enough of her humor
Di - because she is such a GREAT comment poster
Momo - because... well, it's MOMO and even though we spend so much time together whenever I read her blog I find out more and more new and interesting things...


Iron Girl Nyhus said…
I LOVE rice krispie treat too! Just ate one :)
Di said…
LOL !! Loved your post! Imagine my face when I finally saw the end of your post!! LOL Tagged, for being a great commenter! Totally had me cracking up, Thanks!! Your post was fun to read, I found myself smiling all the way through it!
Anonymous said…
Uh-oh. Now that I know more about you I see that you are a Cougar and I am a Husky. Does that mean we can't follow each other's blogs anymore? :-)


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