Going for it

I'm not sure I'm recovered, I'm not sure I'm totally healthy (feeling a little off this week), but I've decided why not? Just go for it.

After a complete over-analyzing internal debate on which race I should do this weekend, I've chosen to do London's run. The course is more flat than the ARR Desert Classic I was thinking about doing and it's for a great cause. It is however, on all dirt, which most people like but I'm not a big fan of so I'm definitely going to have to focus.

My goal is 1:36:59 and a guaranteed entry (well after $255 entry fee - wtf?) into the New York marathon. The funny thing is, I'm not even sure I want to run another marathon, let alone train for one.

I've never gone after anything that "qualifies" me for an event so to me this is just a nice little challenge. I wish I had more recovery time after PF Changs, but the qual times are changing after Jan 31 so this is my shot!

I'd say I've got a 50/50 chance at pulling it off so I'm just gonna #gorunhard. If I don't make it, I'll know I gave it my best and will take away some really really good running training to bring into my season (yay! way excited maybe I won't get run down all the time!). I won't be sad, or disappointed. If nothing else, I consider it a win for me just putting it out there and going for it. I honestly still keep pinching myself that I did 2x sub 1:40 half marathon's in the past 2 months. It wasn't long ago I was going for sub 2hrs.

And, if I do make it. Well I might just pee my pants and then have to decide if I want to run a marathon :)

"You may not accomplish every goal you set / no one does / but what really matters is having goals and going after them wholeheartedly."
-- Les Brown


elizabeth said…
Get after it girly!! I'll be cheering for you :D
LOVE this! Great attitude. Get out there and just let it flow! :)
Kate C. said…
GO FOR IT!!! I even give you permission to puke :) Plus, bragging rights at camp. Just sayin'...
Junebug said…
It's ok to fail, it's not ok to not even try. Let's give it our best on Saturday!
mtanner said…
just do your thing! So pumped for ya!

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