Taper Shmaper

Am I the only one that feel like absolute ASS during a taper? Or, any race week for that matter? It drives me batty. I turn into a complete hypochondriac. I'm tired, sore and just plain old not myself. I start to feel achy and my lungs tight (or ARE they?) and and and…

SEE - I become a complete basket case. I don't get it. I'm not nervous to race. I'm excited! I'm excited to go push and have fun and race with so many friends out there. While I don't feel like I'm back up to speed like I was at my last half (Oceanside), I've definitely come back around in the last couple of weeks. My run speed has come back quite a bit and I even PR'd my 5k during a little splash and dash race on Saturday with enuf energy left in the bank to go run an extra 5 miles after the race!

Sunday I felt pretty beat up, but got in a good 2 hour ride with some tempo intervals and a 3 mile race pace run (which felt pretty easy). Monday I was tired, but after a 9 hour solid night of sleep (unheard of for me) I was feeling much better.

Then I woke up today. After a very light active recovery day Monday, I woke up today to head out for a short run with some intervals. I felt blah. My HR was about 10beats lower and I just had no get up and go. Legs felt fine, but I just didn't feel right. As the day progressed I felt achy and my stomach was a little off.

I stayed home working the rest of the day, drank as many fluids as I could possibly get in (plus airborne) and a healthy dinner of grilled veggies and salmon. Here's to hoping I feel much better by tomorrow!

Now, will someone please tell me I'm not the only one that feels like this the week of a race?

Damn taper.


Krista! I love the taper but I think I am the only one - just rest and sleep - you will be fine!!!
And, you are too humble - you didn't even mention that you were at the Splash and Dash and won the swim + 5k! Great to meet you!

Good luck this weekend!
You are only 2 days in... still shedding fatigue from the weekend (and the last training block!) You will be fine in a few days. :)
Bigun said…
When u look up taper in dictionary, my picture is there! I'm a horrible taperor - meaning I taper "all in".. I cure all semblance of overtraining with my hardy tapers. 4 weeks till I can start my IMAZ taper!!!

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