Race Plan

It's taper week. fah lah lah la lah. Crap, it's only Monday and I'm BORED. This is going to be a long week. Can't my work be busy on these easy training weeks? No, that's just not how it works I guess. Oh well. My laundry is all done (although I suppose I could put it all away now), I'm up to date on my work billing/invoicing and my desk is somewhat organized. Somewhat, I say. I figure by the time we finally get around to filling our taxes I will REALLY be forced to organize and file away all that "stuff."

Anyhoo, back to my point. It's taper week and it never seems to fail I start getting the infamous question of goals. Times, specifically. I've always have a hard time coming up with these numbers, and even if I've thrown some out there I hate really putting it out there by saying x:xx. That makes it REAL ya know. And then I obsess and think about it too much, and doubt comes in…and and and.

Last Tuesday while on a really fun almost speed time ride with some set HR intervals I was asked this time question. I said, I really don't know. I've been HR training, and not much speed work and I've never had a good half IM and and and… Blah, Sounds like a bunch of excuses, doesn't it? Maybe it is? Maybe it's self doubt or fear of the unknown or fear of even SUCCESS?

I said one number - I want to go under 5:30. The two gals giggled and said, OF COURSE you will. And then one preceded to tell me what she and another gal had been talking about and what they decided I was going to finish in. Of course I asked, and then I chuckled. Like, yah right.

Why is it that some people can just be bad asses and say, I'm going for THIS time and Oh, I can do this.. yet others just struggle with saying that. With having that confidence?

I ended that ride with those predicted numbers in my head as I headed out for my T-run. It was one of the best T-runs I've had in a long time and I hit some splits I wasn't sure I had in me. I took a picture of my Garmin & sent it to my coach and said, "I nailed it."

She too started the questions of what was your last half IM time & what time do you think you'll finish in? I had a really hard time with this because I remembered my last half IM, it was August of 09' - also the year we didn't really train. I went into the race with a shit-load of confidence only to realize how little work I put into the training, and got out of it exactly what I put into it. I just re-read my race report and it gave me a little reminder of how hard I've worked and how much I've improved over the last 2 years (not to mention the 10lbs lost since that race, no wonder I was slow riding up those hills on the bike!).

After a few texts back and forth with Michelle, I think I've got a number in my head. Not knowing what the course is I'm a little unsure about what I can do on the bike, as well as the unknown of the ocean swim (although I've been assured I will NOT be eaten by a shark :-), but I've got a run goal. It's zippy and I'm gonna have to put it all out there, but I'm ready to work. Ready to see where I need to improve and ready to give my coach some real data so she can get me where I need to be come CDA.

Yesterday afternoon I received an email from my coach:
"Will you write out a race plan for Oceanside in the next day or two? I want to see all the details... What time you're going to wake up and what you're going to eat for breakfast and how you're going to set up your transition area... How you plan on starting the swim and what you'll be telling yourself, pacing and nutrition and supplements... etc. The more detailed the better! This exercise is mostly for YOU, to solidify your plans for the day so on Saturday
all you have to do is execute your plan."

I actually started laughing. You mean, I had to THINK about it all and have a plan? Don't get me wrong, I AM a planner, but when it comes to racing I'm usually only fussing over what I'm going to wear. Now that I have a team kit all brand spanking shiny and new, and know what I eat (of course not in serious detail) I was all good to go!

OR, not….

This morning I started writing. I started responding to my coach's email and "writing" my race plan. This is the first time I've ever done this, so I'm anxious to see how it helps! I'm also curious to see what Michelle thinks of it! But, if nothing else it was a first for me and hopefully a great learning experience.

I feel like it's all out there now. I've said a few goal times, I've made a plan and most importantly my outfit is all set :-)

Now can we fast forward to Thursday and get on the road to get this show going already?


sallyaston said…
I have no doubt you will surpass all your race goals!
I'm planning to do the Marquee Oly and maybe the Irongear Oly. It's wierd for me to try short course racing. Think I am much more suited for 70.3 and longer but it's a good start :-)
Take care!
Kate Lynn said…
Just wanted to say - ended up on your blog via several other posts, and first thing I saw was - - - WSU. Go Cougs!!!
Anonymous said…
YOU DID IT! Congratulations! (I bet it was a hot one today! Great job!!)
Anonymous said…
Oh-who do you use for coaching? (I am in Tucson) Thanks!

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