A review

Thanks to everyone who commented on THIS post. I knew it would perk some "interest." I won't be sharing my chosen route, come on guys that's a LITTLE personal (hee hee), BUT I will say I've found a new solution. Thanks SO much to my friend N for her amazing advice. It's not the first time she has recommended this great product , but this time I actually listened. I mean who wouldn't listen to someone who rides their bike across the world, literally. I decided why the heck not and went out and bought some bravely trying it out on a 3.5hr ride. I wore my favorite cycling shorts and even had a second layer of capris on top (these are AMAZING for wearing on top of your cycling shorts - NO seams and super easy to peal off and put in your back pocket if it gets too warm). While I still had a little bit of tenderness from the past few weeks, I finished the ride with less chafing and no new battle wounds! The best was this particular route has the infam...