Las Palomas Rocky Point Triathlon

I've been to Rocky Point for this race uh, I think 6 times now. First 2 years I did the 10k. 3rd time my IT band was too messed up to do anything. Next time I did the relay (bike leg) & then the next year they cancelled the race unfortunately. We missed the first year of the new course and new race put on by Red Rock, but Shane & I went back last year & did the 10k. The race was too close to Ironman CDA to risk anything... Like, ehm - sting rays.

I've said over and over I would NEVER do this triathlon. It's hot, it's humid, the weather is totally unpredictable, and well the ocean just HATES me. I've had a couple really bad experiences and I just didn't feel like tempting fate.

Fast Forward a few good races, a bunch of pep talks, and a new found confidence low and behold I'm registered. I was in good shape. I was riding (road bike however), swimming, and running. But, I wasn't exactly following a train plan, or training for a triathlon. I forgot what a brick was so I threw one in during the 'taper.'

I wanted to have fun, get over my fear and just get to the finish line post race BEER.

Shane & I got into town Thursday afternoon so we could enjoy some drinks before trying to sober up Friday. Trust me, when you enjoy going to Mexico as much as we do, the sober thing is a challenge.

Friday morning the water looked like THIS: I just had to take a picture from our roof so you all could see the glassy water...... I was worried the good weather came a day early.

Sure enough the wind free day was short and sweet and the winds starting whooping it up by 10:30 am.... Gusts up to 25mph. On our test ride out at the resort and mini-me was being throw all over the place with the wind.

We got home, had a pasta dinner and I started the inevitable FREAK out. My heart was racing, I was getting totally scared and nervous and wondering why I got myself into this. I barely slept. I tried to visualize perfect waters, no sting rays and not dying of heat stroke....

Eventually it was 5am & I was wide awake. Got up, did the normal routine and shortly after we were on our way to the race.

Our wonderful friends at Racelab quickly adopted us and allowed us to use their transition area. It was great.

The pre-race picture.

Somehow I just got a little more calm. The water was nice and calm, although the temps were REALLY warming up. The boys started off first and 4 mins after was my wave. I took a few steps (shuffles) and jumped in. I could see the sand the whole way, but was a little scared to look and see any sting rays. I just tried to stay calm & cool about it and not freak out.

Besides not being able to see anything out of my goggles I had a good swim for the most part. The salt water bugged me a little bit, and some waves made me a little sea salt, but overall not too bad. I had a lot of trouble sighting. My goggles were fogged up besides the very bottom part so I had to pretty much STOP and get my whole upper body out of the water to find the buoys. I looked quite a few times, because for the most part I was swimming by myself, and it made me nervous. I think that most people got a little too far inside with the current - every time I looked I seemed to be in pretty good shape.

I got to shore, stood up and got my goggles off. I knew ahead of time that the swim split would include a .25mile run up a sand hill and I (mentally) needed to know my swim split. My goal was about a 25mins swim. My watch said dead on 26mins, so after all the fear I had I was pretty happy.

Not happy enough to run my ass quickly up that hill into transition..... Just happy.

The rest of the race is just funny. When you train for Ironman, and you don't race so much, you kinda learn the importance of speedy transitions and getting breathless and wobbly as you move from each sport.

The bike was good. I only road my TT bike a couple times in the last 5 months so I felt fast, but wasn't totally comfortable. I had one girl in MY AG ahead of me, and close enough had I known what my body would do on the run I would have put in a little more effort and caught her, but honestly, I was just having fun out there. My goal for this race was just to do a steady 25min loop. I was pretty close, with a little slower second loop but came in at 1:16ish)

Took my sweet time in transition again. Inhaler, shoes, etc. Actually, I don't know what the heck I was doing :-) A min or so into the run and I had another girl come booking by me in my age group. I tried to stick with her running in the 8's, but she was slowly pulling away. I was getting REALLY hot. My face was just burning, although my legs felt pretty good.

Until mile 3 they felt good. Then, lack of brick workouts, the heat and just lack of racing tris took on a whole new level and I started to bonk. I poured water over my head at the aid stations and tried to keep moving. I went for my gel and did start to feel a bit better, but my pace had really slowed with the steep ups and downs on the golf course. I just didn't know how to run them very well...

Fortunately though I could see we were heading back to resort, hoping the rollers were over and I could pick up the pace a bit. Then I realized we were going a little too much back towards the beach and started asking everyone if the course was short. We still had over 2 miles to go? No one really gave me a straight answer so I just followed.

The last half mile in deep send was a bitch. No other way to describe it. But, I made it. A shorter than planned run, but I was so happy I finally did it. And did just fine. And didn't die. OR drown. Or crash. Lessons learned people, never say never :-)

I didn't have stellar times by my account, however I did well and well enough to take 3/12 in my age group & 11/50 overall.

Post race drinks by the pool waiting for the awards ceremony.

Accepting my award. A salsa bowl, with tequila. Only I wasn't paying attention and spilled it ALL OVER the ground. Can you see the look on my face? I was ready for that drink darn it.

But, no worries - we had a post race celebratory short when we got back to the house. Because people, race or no race - this is how we roll in Mexico.


Molly said…
Congrats on a great race!!! Wow, you are placing in your AG all over this year!!!
SWTrigal said…
Really great job Krista! Almost make me want to head down there did so well.congrats!
Supalinds said…
Awesome race girl!!! I love that the run was short...a sweet suprise.

Did you know I'm going there next month :) YIPEE!!
Judi said…
i am so sorry about sara krista. i just realized it was your doggie you were talking about on fb.

you had a great race and a great last vacation w/ your girl sara. i hope it brought some warm memories.

Kate said…
Yay. Great race girl! You are brave for racing in the ocean. I would be nervous too. Anywho, great race report.
Erin said…
Yeah to you for toughing it out -- both mentally and physically. You don't have to PR every time...sometimes you learn more when you don't! And though I know it can be tough, I'm sooooo jealous of the warm weather.

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