100 Truths

100 truths about me........if you get tagged, you must answer 100 truths about yourself.

1. last beverage→ water, yes I'm boring.
2. last phone call→ Jeez, my uncle last night before dinner. I don't talk on the phone much.
3. last text message→ Same as above
4. last song you listened to→ Nothing excited, whatever was on the radio after swimming and I was too hungry to notice.
5. last time you cried→ Wow, I actually can't remember - I must be really happy right now!

6. dated someone twice→ No
7. cheated on someone?→ No, well maybe one time in college but it wasn't serious.
8. kissed someone & regretted it? HAHA... yah prolly.
9. lost someone special?→ YES
10. been depressed?→ maybe a little, before & after my knee surgery
11. been drunk and threw up.→ Oh come on - who hasn't?

12. Red
13. Green
14. Blue

15. Made a new friend → yes
16. Fallen in love → no
17. Laughed until you cried → no
18. Met someone who changed you – No, but it's early in 2009
19. Found out who your true friends were → I think this is an ongoing thing
20. Found out someone was talking about you→ no
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ my husband
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life → everyone
23. How many kids do you want to have→ none
24. Do you have any pets → kinda, 3 dogs but they ARE my kids
25. Do you want to change your name→ NO
26. What did you do for your last birthday→ Rode 31miles, ran 31mins and swam 3100 yards - then celebrated Christmas with all the families
27. what time did you wake up today → i got out of bed at 7:45
28. What were you doing at midnight last night? I was getting ready for bed - it was a LATE night for me
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for → 8 weeks in CDA this summer
30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → I'm very happy with my life right now.
31. I don't know what 17 was supposed to be.
32. What are you listening to right now? my space heater - I know.. it's AZ -but I just had a smoothie
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom? YES

34. What's getting on your nerves right now → my road bike. I need one that fits me.
35. Most visited webpage → facebook.

36. What’s your real name → Krista
37. Nicknames→ DogMon
38. Relationship Status → married
39. Zodiac sign → Capricorn
40. Male or female→ female
41. Elementary? Browne Elementary
42. Middle School → Glover Junior High School
43. High school → Shadle Park Hight School
44. Hair color → This is not an easy question! I've been blonde all my life until last year - I'm a red head now!
45. Long or short → Medium
55. Are you health freak → exercise yes - but I EAT
56. Height → I SWEAR I was 5'3', but not so much - maybe 5'2.5"
57. Do you have a crush on someone? YUP, and Shane knows who! Javier Bardem is the pick of the litter right now
58: what do you like about yourself? → I am STRONG
59. Piercings → ears... but they've grown in by now
60. Tattoos → Unfortunately, yes 2 of them.
61. Righty or lefty → righty

62. First surgery → and only IT band
63. First piercing → EAR
64. First best friend→ I don't know that I have ONE BFF
65. First sport you joined – I'm not sure, I played all sports when I was really little, but Volleyball is the only one I stuck with in school
66. First vacation→ our vacations were camping at Priest Lake as a kid, and one time Disneyland
67. First concert → OMG - I think it was TIFFANY!!!
68. First crush – ??
69. Eating → nothing, but I'm hungry again
70. Drinking →water
71. Listening to→ space heater, still
72. I'm about to → go get somethign to eat again
73.Waiting for → Nothing really?

74. No
75. Want to get married? sure hope so cause I did almost 5 years ago
76. Career? Marketing
77. Lips or eyes →both, these are my favorites
78. Hugs or kisses → hugs!!!!
79. Shorter or taller → taller
80. Older or Younger→ older - hahaha
81. Nice stomach or nice arms → toss up....
82. Sensitive or loud → neither
83. Hook-up or relationship → relationship now, I'm all growed up
84. Trouble maker or hesitant? → A little of both

85. Kissed a stranger →Of course
86. Smoked→ Yes
87. Lost glasses/contacts → Don't ear em, sunglasses YES
88. Ran away from home → No
89. Broken someone's heart → no... don't think so
90. Been arrested → no
91. Turned someone down → yes
92. Cried when someone died → yes
93. Yourself--> yes
94. Miracles → yes
95. Love at first sight --> i believe in lust at first sight.
96. Heaven → possibly.
97. Santa Claus –> Why not?
98. Kiss on the first date? Sure
99. Angels → Not sure

97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Well, that person is pretty much always with me, but I have a LOT of friends that don't live close I'd like to be with
98. Had more than one gf/bf at one time? not technically...
99. Do you believe in God? In theory.
100. Posting this as 100 Truths? Absolutely!


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