
A week into August and I thought it was time for a little update! July was a BLAST.  It was abnormally HOT here in the PNW, but the evenings still cool down, and to be honest, I can still ride my bike when it's 95 out and not feel like I'm dying. It's hot, but manageable (and doesn't stay hot for 4 months). 

It took me a solid 2 weeks to really come out of the, "I just did an Ironman in 106degs" fog. There were mornings where I physically just could not get out of bed, and when I did I wasn't accomplishing much. My motivation came around thanks to the post-ironman "WHAT next" and signing up for a spring 70.3, then a day later registering for a charity to race Ironman Arizona. That was just what I needed to get myself back in the game.

I had a conversation with Michelle about needing the month to still train, but have more flexibility.  I wanted to make sure that I didn't dive right back in until my mind and body were ready. So in the mix of training there was also a lot of fun!

Lots of boating and BBQing with some lovely ladies and their husbands that we have met here in CDA. Work hard/play hard!

FINALLY a trip to the Filling Station to try some craft beers.  I saw this place my first week in town, and avoided it until after Iroman.

Finishing off the yummy Huckleberry beer that Sherpa Jen brought from Montana! 

There has also been paddleboarding, and lots of lots of fun snuggles for Bubba day! We are officially past the "avg expectancy of 19-83 days" and on Bubba day 94.  He sleeps most the day (but so does Juliette) and then acts like a puppy after he's done napping. Every day he's happy makes my heart happy!

2 weeks post Ironman I decided (like last year) to hop into a local sprint race, Race the River. Shane & I headed out for a little social ride on Saturday stopping at the kids race and registering for the next day. I dared Shane to register as well, and for a brief moment I think he considered it,  but it didn't work. The race was in a slightly different location than last year with more turns on the bike, (think Soma 70.3 turns, but in 11 miles) but the swim was still point to point and along the shore so no sighting necessary. I felt AMAZING in the water which was good as I hadn't done any hard swimming, my legs had NO power and quads felt like they were cramping on the bike and to my surprise I had a pretty descent run negative splitting a 5k with splits I haven't seen in a long time, especially all of the Ironman training! I ended up 5th overall (by just a few seconds and local pro Haley Cooper Scott winning) and 1st AG. With no expectations going in, it made for a very nice win! I guess Bubba wasn't done with medals after all ;)  The race happened to be the PNW regional sprint championships so along with the podium medal they gave 1st place winners a very nice visor :)

At the end of July Karen came over from Seattle for some fun and bike training! I took her on my favorite hill ride (which I spend lot of time on) where we did 14' hill repeats!  My legs were already trashed from some max effort repeats the day before so I was VERY happy to have her pushing me up that hill. Thankfully, the views make going up and down and grinding away totally worth it.

 In between the hard bike rides we spent an afternoon doing the CDA lake cruise, cruiser riding to sushi and just fun girl time catching up!

Cruising around this lake NEVER gets old to me!!

Friday night after work we headed out to do a ride I've only done one other time. You can basically ride around the entire Hayden Lake.  The views are indescribable and can't be captured in pictures.  Once again my body was hurting from my poor road bike fit (long story, but it's all messed up from a saddle change) and quads burning for 2 previous hard days, so super happy to have Karen to chase around, up and down, up and down.... Nothing like a 50+mile Friday night happy hour ride!

In the last week and a half training is back to full swing.  More bike days than swim/bike run days, hill after hill and chasing power.  My 2 week vacation of swims that start with anything but a 3 or a 4 are long gone and when anything described as "easy/cruise" shows up on a run, I'm THANKFUL.

I have almost every weekend planned out for August, including a visit from my uncle, a mini camp with former TeamBSC teammate and friend planned and the epic "CDA Crossing" swim across the lake event! Unlike last year where I spent every weekend racing short course in August, this year is about getting stronger and ready to give it all I have at IMAZ.  I'm totally motivated and giving my complete trust and faith to Michelle as she helps guide me there.

My fundraising efforts are off to a great start, and I'm just under halfway to my goal. With the 5k I will raise, it's pretty darn motivating to put myself out there and ask for these donations knowing that those funds will help TWENTY kids get corrective surgery and beautiful healthy smiles :)  If you would like to help with this fund, please click on my personal page here

And last, but certainly not least, my coaching business and TeamBSC are having an amazing race season. All of my athletes are kicking butt, and we are 100% success rate for our Ironman finishes.  Race days are spent on my computer stressing out and hitting refresh, but the recaps and feedback I'm getting are reminding me the joy I get from helping these athletes. Some athletes are taking a break after their big races and at the same time I'm getting more signing on for their next year goals. It's the ebb and flow of the business and it keeps everything fun and exciting.  I'm so thankful I'm able to do something that I love and help others at the same time!

Thanks so much to everyone reading and following along on my journey! 


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