brides, and beaches, wally the whale, biking and running and swimming oh my!

I have no idea how it is possible that the last 2+ months went by so incredibly fast.  Foras long as I can remember I don't think life has every moved so quickly.  Each week I pull up my training calendar, my personal calendar, my work calendar and I somehow manage how to plan everything down to the hour (give or take some flex) fitting in everything I possibly can.  Takeout lunch and dinner, over-priced pre-made juices and peanut butter have saved me more than once.  My wine fridge is over flowing because I don't have nearly enough time (or my husband's company) to enjoy it as often!

Ironically, the busier I am the more productive and efficient I am.  My coaching business is taking off and I am BLESSED with such an amazing group of athletes to work with right now.  Each one different, with different goals, different bases, different schedules.  Hands down, if I could when I can make this my full time job, I would WILL do it in a HEARTBEAT.  Never in a million years did I really imagine I could work doing something I loved and felt so passionate about.

So to recap and highlight some of the crazy adventures over the past 10 weeks I have some fun pictures and amazing memories....

In January I headed to Fort Lauderdale to celebrate my girl Amanda's upcoming wedding.  Aside from having some food reaction issues, the weekend was fantastic.  Her friends and family were so nice and sweet and after some spa time, girly time, beach time and even a ride on the banana boat we headed out for a great dinner and dancing to end the trip.  Can't wait to reunite with these girls and once again celebrate Amanda and her new life ahead!

Home for a couple of weeks trying to build up the training, then it was off on another adventure.  This time celebrating my twin, Jen's bachelorette in Sayulita, Mexico.  Not gonna lie, I LOVE Rocky Point, and have never really thought about venturing out since we have a home in Mexico already.  I could not have been more wrong.  I loved EVERYTHING about this little surf town.  No resorts, the locals were amazing and I became absolutely obsessed with whales.  Having a whale surface and "wave" ~20yards in front of me (ok, maybe I hauled ass out to see him) is something I will never forget, and probably NEVER get to experience again.  Like Amanda's weekend, these girls were welcoming (I only new Jen and our friend Karen), fun, and I enjoyed every minute of the trip.  And as a highlight, for the first time in as long as I can remember I was 100% unplugged.  No phone, no text, no wifi for 5 days.  While the catch up was hard, it was hands down worth it, and something I would love to do more often.

A few weeks later we headed down to Rocky Point for some more whale watching.  Seriously, even thought I'm totally terrified of the ocean, nothing makes me more relaxed then being at the beach.

Next up was a big race for TeamBSC.  I had 2 athletes trained and ready to get their BQ at the Phoenix marathon, and the hubby was giving it a shot as well.  Unfortunately Shane's work, travel and a flu in the last several weeks of training got the best of him and he fell just a little short.  Super proud of his finish, he had his second best marathon time on limited training and a lot of STRESS!

One of my athletes', Shelly, who was actually VERY ready for this ended up fighting a small injury in the last month and it really got to her while running.  Like a superstar she fought through the pain and finished effortlessly, ready to get healthy and have another shot.

And, lastly my newest run athlete, Kelly actually exceeded my expectations and not only got her BQ and a PR, but she did it by negative splitting the race by 2 minutes (even more impressive the first half was downhill).  As a very busy mom and working crazy hours with a new company she had some down time as well during peak training so her performance just tells me how much more potential this girl has.


Aside from bachelorettin', traveling, coaching, working and picking up takeout I've been putting in the miles.  Lots of saddle time on a new bike fit with power!  I'm having so much fun riding with power goals it's almost like picking up a new sport.  With everything mentioned above, I really procrastinated registering for Ironman CDA.  While we plan on spending time there again this summer, I didn't want to register for a race that I couldn't be 100% committed to and trained for.  As my training started to show some progress and a little ironman email was sent out saying the race was almost full, I finally pulled the trigger and official registered for my 5th Ironman CDA!  Honestly, I can't flipping wait to go back!   Until then, if you wonder where I'm at, I'll be back in the saddle :)


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