Introducing Juliette, welcome home little girl.

Our home is no longer to quiet. Baxter no longer has an excuse to be naughty and/or counter surf. Our hearts are full and and I feel like giving this incredibly sweet girl a new and permanent home was the best Christmas gift I could possibly ask for. Do you ever just feel like some things are meant to be? As soon as we saw Juliette's picture on the web site, and read a little bit about her we just knew she needed to be here with us. It didn't take long to convince the rescue people that we were good and would be a great family for her. A few days, a lotta miles and a couple sleepovers later and we were meeting Juliette after her long journey from Boise, Id to bring her home. At first she was a little confused leaving the guys that drove her from Salt Lake City (they spent a LONG 14 hours in the car together through crazy road conditions and construction detours to get to Phoenix), but a 45min car ride sitting next to her new BIG brother seemed to help with her nerves. We ...