listening to your body

I didn't realize my last post was the Deuces Wild post when I was sick, and DNF'd. Bummer. I felt like I recovered quite quickly from the stomach bug, and got back into training by Tuesday. However, by Thursday night we were headed back to Rocky Point for the Roger Clyne Show so not much rest, and not exactly more quality training.

Shane & I had a great longish ride, 3hrs the morning before we left so I felt good about heading out of town with that under out belts. We were going to try to do our longest run (2hrs) on Friday morning. We got up at 5:30 (unheard of in Mexico) listening to crazy strong winds outside. After a 4mile out and back with the dogs we had to modify the plan and loop around our neighborhood not heading out to the main dirt road because the winds were just too strong when we weren't protected by the homes. We made it about 10.5miles before we were just DONE. The hard packed dirt roads, heat and humidity really tore us up. Knees were throbbing, backs hurt & we had lost a lot of fluids... We figured it was the smartest thing we could do.

We had a great day with friends, out to dinner & listening to live music, home in bed by 10! We did get a little later start, but headed out for another run in the wind! Thankfully, it wasn't quite as hot - but the dogs didn't last as long so we dropped them off after a half an hour & headed down to run the rest of it on the beach. The strong winds & current had made all these crazy tide pools in the sand so it was kinda like adventure running. Fun, but hard for sure! We made it about 7miles total that day, even though it felt like 10!

The weekend was a blast, but when we got home on Monday night we were ready to get back at the training. Tuesday ride & swim, Wed track & swim. That's when it all started to go down hill.

I woke up in the middle of the night Wed completely soaked. I looked like I just got back from a run, in Hawaii. My cloths were soaked thru, my hair sopping wet. This has happened to me before so I didn't think too much of it, BUT I was a little worried when Shane didn't get up for his ride. IN fact, he stayed in bed for 12 hours that night. My ride on Thursday was difficult. My HR was about 15beats higher than normal, same effort. Same thing Friday on my run..... I was dizzy and a little sick to my stomach.

My chest felt "fuzzy" Friday night, but I was so set on getting in a long ride I just ignored it. I decided I would do what I could & just keep my HR low. We had a decent ride. 80miles, 3000ft of climbing and I kept my HR avg below 140.

And that was the last time I left the house or was active for the next 5 days. Whatever got me hit me like a ton of bricks Saturday night. My stomach was aching, throbbing. My lungs were a mess. By Sunday I was hacking, puking and couldn't eat or drink. I was nibbling on ice cubes. On Monday when I still had a fever, couldn't sleep and felt worse I decided to go to the Dr.

Obviously I had a stomach flu, but I also had an upper respiratory infection so he prescribed some antibiotics, a codeine cough medicine with anti nausea and a higher dose steroid inhaler to help with the lungs.

Yesterday was the first day I felt somewhat human. I was able to do an easy "spin" on the bike. I kept my Hr around 130, but I was still queasy. I also went for a swim which felt FANTASTIC. The water was nice and cool and it really helped with the nausea.

Today I went out for my first run in a week. It was 90degrees, humid and muggy. I survived but it was so clear how much I need to get some nutrition in me. I'm slowly starting to eat, but it's just hard when nothing sounds good.... even my favorite food, peanut butter :-(

I have a huge training block for the next 3 days and I'm just hoping I've got enough in me to make it through. I will this time, listen to my body. It knows best. I should have listened a week ago...

Too much play, too much travel and not enough hydration and rest. I'm looking forward to being back at it, healthy and strong. 10 weeks and counting!!! See ya on the flip side :-)


jessithompson said…
Sounds like you know just what to do to take care of yourself. Hope you're feeling back to 100% soon!

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