Beat the Heat
Did you know it's hot in Arizona in June. No, really it is. REALLY.REALLY.HOT. 9 years ago, (OMG - it's been NINE years) I packed up my life, my $700 and Citibank credit card and moved to Arizona (along with a few friends) on June 12. It was 112 degrees. Not my smartest choice, for sure. The first several years of summer did not bother me. I could bask out in the sun all day (sun cancer gods, please forgive me). But, year by year the heat has picked at me more and more, and while 100degrees is fine, add in humidity and 5 more degrees and put a flipping fork in me. I've trained in the summer. I've done 2 fall marathons, which means 20mile runs in record breaking heat. My peak ironman long rides were in 100+ heat. And my Ironman was June. I have absolutely no idea how anyone trains for a August/September Ironman in Arizona. The heat literally eats me up, spits me out, the smothers me into the sizzling asphalt. Put me out on a long run in November, 50degrees and...