Las Palomas Rocky Point Triathlon

I've been to Rocky Point for this race uh, I think 6 times now. First 2 years I did the 10k. 3rd time my IT band was too messed up to do anything. Next time I did the relay (bike leg) & then the next year they cancelled the race unfortunately. We missed the first year of the new course and new race put on by Red Rock, but Shane & I went back last year & did the 10k. The race was too close to Ironman CDA to risk anything... Like, ehm - sting rays. I've said over and over I would NEVER do this triathlon. It's hot, it's humid, the weather is totally unpredictable, and well the ocean just HATES me. I've had a couple really bad experiences and I just didn't feel like tempting fate. Fast Forward a few good races, a bunch of pep talks, and a new found confidence low and behold I'm registered. I was in good shape. I was riding (road bike however), swimming, and running. But, I wasn't exactly following a train plan, or training for a triathlon. I forg...