Catchin Up
So, you are probably thinking me & my pretty new red purse have been out shopping around trying to find things to fill out... Well, not really - although I have found it very useful in packing all of my stuff around. I'm SO glad I chose the bigger one. That was my biggest decision ya know.... which size to get... Anyhoo.... here's a quick recap of what's been going on.. I'll try to make it the short version. I spent most of the weekend and beginning of the week preparing for my Real Estate Exam. It's funny you know. They make you spend 90hours in a classroom, then basically memorize 1400 possibly multiple choice Q's... of which, you will not retain once you pass the test.. Then you have to take a 6hour "bootcamp" on contract writing... then you can go take the State exam. It's all a bunch of hoo-wee if you ask me. The stuff they teach you isn't practical. It's pretty much vocabulary of words which, none of use on a daily basis. ...