brides, and beaches, wally the whale, biking and running and swimming oh my!

I have no idea how it is possible that the last 2+ months went by so incredibly fast. Foras long as I can remember I don't think life has every moved so quickly. Each week I pull up my training calendar, my personal calendar, my work calendar and I somehow manage how to plan everything down to the hour (give or take some flex) fitting in everything I possibly can. Takeout lunch and dinner, over-priced pre-made juices and peanut butter have saved me more than once. My wine fridge is over flowing because I don't have nearly enough time (or my husband's company) to enjoy it as often! Ironically, the busier I am the more productive and efficient I am. My coaching business is taking off and I am BLESSED with such an amazing group of athletes to work with right now. Each one different, with different goals, different bases, different schedules. Hands down, if I could when I can make this my full time job, I would WILL do it in a HEARTBEAT. Nev...