
Showing posts from March, 2013

Retail Therapy

My sister is much better with words than I am.  Shocking that I'm the one with the blog.  Hopefully she doesn't mind me sharing the poem she posted this morning...  Today we are spending the day doing the one thing my mom absolutely loved and ironically drove my sister and I batshitcrazy.  Shopping was her  therapy and today, I guess it will be ours. Good thing I am starting my new job on Monday! In a weak moment one year she convinced us (ok, really it was just me my sister was game) to have a girls shopping extravaganza on Black Friday.  I'm fairly confident that was a first and only Black Friday I spent at the mall.    We love, and miss you mom. " I can hardly believe you've been gone for a year already Mom.... I though of you today But that is nothing new. I though of you yesterday   And tomorrow, will too. I think of you in silence   And make no outward show For what it's meant to lose you Only those wh...

Phoenix Marathon

The first week of September I was caught in a weak moment.  I was on cloud 9 from Ironman Canada and went to dinner with some girlfriends.  Next thing I knew I was emailing coach telling her I was going to run a marathon at the beginning of March and try to BQ.  It would be a one shot thing, no multiple shots or multiple marathons. I am, after all, retired from marathons you know.  The last time I retired was in 2009 after the Tucson Marathon disaster. I'm not gonna lie.  While this marathon hurt less than any other marathon I've ever done, the training hurt 10 times more.  I ran harder, longer, faster, and with many more miles than I've ever done.  My body seemed to be handling everything really well until the Holidays.  While we were in Mexico for about 10 days, I put in a LOT of miles.  Long miles, short miles, fast miles, easy miles.  The only thing I can think of was these miles were all on the same route.  Our neighborhood...