Soma… yet again!

So, the 5th time was definitely a success, unfortunately just a bit off from my goal! I had a crazy, but really not THAT crazy, goal of going sub 5hrs. The numbers were there (yes I ran them over and over and over until I wasn't thinking clearly). Last years times were ~35, 1:40, 1:57. I While my swim is strong, that swim is just never fast for me so I figured I would swim about a 33mins but after wetsuit stripping and getting to the T-1 timing mat I woudl be about the same 35. I was dead on. I (over) analyzed past bike times and people I've been racing (bike splits) similar too and thought, on paper, I should be able to bike a 2:35. The thought of that seemed crazy tho, so I settled on a 2:37 goal. My run has been improving greatly, especially in the past run and I thought a 1:45 totally doable! Add those up and they are damn near a 4:59! I swam my ass off. 2 super fast girls bolted out in front and were instantly gone. ...