7000 feet

Last September while on the drive up to Flagstaff to spend the holiday weekend out of the heat, some serious FOMO, serious plotting, and a few cocktails later; the next thing you know we have an entire year of fun, hard work and goals all planned out. Final goal = return to Ironman Canada!!! A few races lined up before hand, but the kicker (and must have to commit to another August race) was renting a home for the summer up in Flagstaff. 3 partners in crime (Shane, gf Karen & I) are lucky enough to be working from home (for now!!!) and pretty much all we needed was a wifi connection and we were good to go. I put my research skills to work in December and came across what turns out to be the PERFECT rental for the summer. It's pricey, but we have plenty of room for guests and were pleasantly surprised at the location of the house. We are 1.5 miles from the infamous training haven of Lake Mary road, about the same distance to downtown restaurants ...